
Horoscope in WeddingUnder Hindu Predictive Systems Compatibility is generally seen especially for marriage. Between Husband and Wife if there is great compatibility it is considered harmonious to lead a peaceful and happy life. In most Hindu families, every individual has his or her horoscopes, janam patrika or kundali prepared. Since it is a very difficult task to get the accurate knowledge of the person's nature etc. before a marriage (or a long-term relationship), the proven since of Astrology can definitely help the two lives a great deal. A birth chart (also known as janma kundali, janam kundali, Vedic horoscope) captures the precise astronomical positions of stars and planets at the individual's birth moment. Astrological compatibility consideration is not only a mere ancestral practice but is a way to get the knowledge regarding the nature, features, love and the social communication features of the people. Horoscope are usually made by pandits or astrologers or numerologists on the basis of the time and the date of a persons birth because, as per the Hindu belief, nothing in this universe happens accidentally or before its scheduled time. The planetary Influence According to the Hindu System of astrology, all predictions are based on the positions of the celestial bodies in the houses of the individual's horoscope. Such positions are governed by Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Sun, Moon, Uranus and Neptune, a planetary hour begins at the stated time and operates until the next one begins. A moment is considered to be four minutes, i.e., the time taken by the Sun to cross one degree of terrestrial longitude. Attributes of Planets and Other Celestial Bodies Saturn: Powerful, malefic, typifying crystallisation of thought, cold contemplation and Philosophic outlook. Jupiter- Beneficent, uplifting, warm, expansive, hopeful and optimistic Mars: Less malefic, forceful, Zealous, energetic, intense and heated up. Sun: The giver of life, energy, vitality and authority. Venus: Less beneficent than Jupiter harmonious, pure spiritual and blissful Mercury: The winged messenger of god, neutral preceptor of mind, intellect, perception and expression. Moon: Variability, emotionalism, reproduction and sensation. Uranus: Abrupt transformations' extraordinary, revolutionary and out of the ordinary. Neptune: Mysticism, hallucinations, fears, spiritual ecstasy.
A lot of marriages in Hindu Culture consider horoscope matching as the first step. The horoscopes are matched on the basis of health, wealth, longevity, well being of children etc. In Vedic Astrology, marital life is affected by the following parameters: Nakshatras: Moon moves around the Earth in little over 27 days. The whole path of the moon is divided into 27 parts, each of which is represented by a constellation. These constellations are known as Nakshatras and the moon "resides" in each nakshatra for approximately a day. As these nakshatras are associated with the moon, they are usually a better indicator of a person's emotional capacity. Ashvini 2. Bharani 3. Krittika 4. Rohini 5. Mrugashira 6. Ardra 7. Punarvasu 8. Pushya 9. Ashlesha 10. Magha 11. Purva Phalguni 12. Uttara Phalguni 13. Hasta 14. Chitta,15 Swati, 16 Vishaka, 17Anuradha 18. Jyeshta 19. Moola 20. Poorva Ashada21. Uttara Ashada 22. Shravana 23. Dhanishta 24. Shatabhisha25. Poorva Bhadra 26. Uttara Bhadra 27. Revati The factors which are important for compatibility analysis are derived from these 27 nakshatras. Based on the position of the moon in a nakshatra, the following factors are assigned to a chart. Kuta Point System: Apart from the parameters mentioned above, the compatibility is judged by points, known as kuta. These points are calculated by taking into account the position of Moon in both the charts. Moon in a person's chart represents the emotional aspect, his/her personality and capacity to care about other people. These points are added up to a maximum of 36 points. If the sum of the compatibility points is less than 18, marriage is not advisable. These points can also be calculated from the nakshatras of the bride and the groom directly. Mahendra Kuta: The Nakshatra of the man should be 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22 or 25 Nakshatras away from the Nakshatra of the woman. A good Mahendra Kuta should promote the longevity of the relationship. This factor is mentioned in a Kuta analysis, but no points are given by this factor. Stree Dirgha: The Nakshatra of the man should preferably be more than 9 constellations away from the Nakshatra of the woman. This factor is mentioned in a Kuta analysis, but no points are given by this factor. Rashi Kuta: This factor is different from the factors, because this deals with the signs in which the Moons are located (and not the Nakshatras). The moon sign of the man is in 2, 3, 5, 6 away from the moon sign of the woman cause bad results others come good results. Rashi Kuta indicates growth of family, family welfare and economic conditions of the partner. Dinam Kuta If the Nakshatra of the man is 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 Nakshatras from the Nakshatra of the woman it comes good results. If the number is 9 or more it is divided by 9 and we work with the remainder. It indicates the health and well being of the couple. Yoni Kuta This has to do with sexual compatibility, mutual love and sex inclinations.. Out of 27 nakshatras 14 numbers are consider as Male yonis and 13 numbers are considered as Female yonis. Male Yonis Male nakshatras are: Ashwini, Bharani, Pushya, Ashlesha, Magha, Uttara Phalguni, Swati, Jyeshta, Mula, Purvashadha, Uttarashadha, Shravana and Purva Bhadrapada and others female yonis. Every Nakshatra has the characteristics of an animal indicative of sexual joy, mutual attraction and love. Example: Vishakha and Chitra are associated with a tiger yoni. That means these Nakshatras are rather wild in making love. There is also a division in male and female yonis. Vishakha has a male tiger yoni and Chitra a female tiger yoni. It is best if both partners are born in Nakshatras, which symbolize the same yoni type, but of different sexes. Therefore, someone with the Moon in Vishakha would be a great sexual match for someone with the Moon in Chitra. If a couple has friendly yonis of the female sex marriage will be acceptable. It will be difficult if the two people both have male yonis. Vedha Kuta Some Nakshatras are said to afflict each other. A marriage between people who have their Moons in
Nakshatras, which afflict each other, should not take place. This is a list of the prohibited pairs: Vashya Kuta Vashya Kuta, indicates the intensity of mutual attraction and affection between the partners. Vasyu Kuta magnetism makes understanding of each other easier. If the Moon of the female feels magnetism towards the Moon of the male one point is given. If the Moon of the male feels magnetism towards the Moon of the female, also one point is given. Therefore, the maximum amount of points to be gained from this factor is two, if magnetism exists from both sides. Given below given the matching list of each rashi.. Aries - Leo, ScorpioTaurus - Cancer, Libra Gemini - Virgo Cancer - Scorpio, Sagittarius Leo - Libra Virgo - Gemini , Pisces Libra - Virgo, Capricorn Scorpio - Cancer Sagittarius - Pisces Capricorn - Aries, Aquarius Aquarius - Aries Pisces - Capricorn Gana Kuta Nakshatras classifieds as groups deva, human (manusha) and demon (rakshaka). Deva (godly) nakshatras are Ashwini, Mrigashirsha, Punarvasu, Pushya, Hasta, Swati, Anuradha, Revati. People who have their Moons in Nakshatras that fall in the same category can marry. A deva man can marry a deva or manusha woman. He cannot marry a rakshaka woman. A manusha man can marry a deva woman or a manusha woman. He should not marry a rakshaka woman. A rakshaka man should not marry a deva woman or a manusha woman . He can marry a rakshaka woman. When the lords of the signs in the rashi or navamsa of the man and woman are the same bad Gana Kuta results can be compensated (however this does not change the points that are being given). Gana Kuta indicates the nature of the native and gives compatibility of temperament and mutual daily behaviors. Graha Maitri It is an indicator of friendship between the rashi lords of the Moonsigns of the couple. The two rashi lords can be friends, enemies or neutral to each other. When both are neutral, Graha Maitram is mediocre. Rajjus It is an indicator of longevity of the marriage, and is also based on the relative position of the two
Nakshatras. The Janma Nakshatras of the couple should not fall in the same Rajju.
If they fall in Sira (head) husband's death is likely; if in Kantha (neck) the
wife may die; if in Udara (stomach) the children may die; if in Kati (waist)
poverty may ensue; and if in Pada (foot) the couple may be always wandering.
Hence, it is desirable that the boy and the girl have constellations belonging
to different rajjus or groups for safety in household life.
Varna Which compares the castes of the Moon rashis (not Nakshatras): Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra. It is said to be an indicator of the spiritual development of the couple. This is a factor, which is supposed to be an indication of the spiritual development of the partners. These are the categories: Brahmin (priests): Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. Kshatriya (politics and war): Leo, Sagittarius, Libra. Vaisya (business): Aries, Gemini, Aquarius. Sudra (manual labour and service): Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. |