Indian Wedding
Saturday, January 11, 2025

Christian Wedding

christian marriageA Christian wedding usually is conducted in a Church. The wedding is attended by friends and relatives of the bride and groom. An Anglo Indian Christian bride traditionally wears a white gown in western style and the groom wears a suit. The full skirted gown is usually made of around five to seven metres of material but can vary according to pattern. In other sects of Christian community the bride's dress is usually a white or cream saree. Brides head is covered with a white veil and a crown - a tiara or a bunch of white flowers and she holds a flower bouquet in her hand.

The Christian matrimonial ceremony is simple and involves the exchange of wedding bands and marriage vows by the bridal couple. The proceedings of the marriage ceremony is accompanied by a group of choir singers. 

Christian Bride

The rituals are conducted along with the holy mass. The couple walks down the corridor slowly but gracefully till they reach where the priest stands, who welcomes them and offers his best wishes. The priest then commences the procession of reading psalms from the Holy Bible. He then renders a sermon called Homily, which dwells on the sacredness of the wedlock. Like in all Indian matrimonial rituals, this community too, has an interesting lecture with an emphasis on the sanctity of marriage given by the priest. The Homily being over, the bride and the groom hold each other's right hand and make the Solemn Promise of lifelong loyalty stating that they will stay together in thick and thin to each other, in the name of God. This is followed by  Blessing and the exchange of the wedding rings, which are first blessed by the priest to instill in the bearers an everlasting love and an earnest faith. Another common feature of the Indian community, that has been extended to the Christian community matrimonial alliance is the Mangalsutra. In the Roman Catholic Saraswat Brahmin community this is known as Piduk. In the Syrian Christian community the groom presents his bride in church with a sari. This is known as 'Mantra Kodi'. A Taali, a leaf shaped gold pendant with a cross sealed on it, is worn on thread created with strands drawn from this sari by the groom's sister. The priest prays for the couple and the couple renders a thanksgiving prayer to the Almighty.

The ceremony comes to an end with the priest giving the final blessing to the couple. The gathering, towards the end, shower their blessings on the newly weds. The last formality is the couple then signs the register and walk down aisle, arm in arm. 

Like all weddings in the Indian community, the holy matrimonial alliance in Catholic weddings is followed by a reception for celebration. Christian matrimonials reach its optimum at the reception by a live band. The newly married couple is greeted at the venue with showering of confetti.