
Family The Nicobarese can be treated as one people whose affinities are towards the Far Eastern and not towards the mainland races. Their own idea of themselves is that they came from the Tenasserim coast, an idea borne out by Physical structure, social habits, trend of civilization and language. They are of the highest ethnological interest. The tribal feeling is friendly within the tribe and hostile to every stranger. The once custom that has served to make the various septs of a tribe hang together is that of a very free adoption of each others children, only those under six or seven usually living with their parents.
Hunting and honey collection are men's job and the women and children collect roots and tubers. There is a high degree of individual freedom among the sexes and monogamy is the rule. Husband-wife and parent-children relationships are based on mutual respect and deep affection. Small local groups are constituted by a number of primary families with a
close sense of mutual social obligations. During heavy rains they share a common
beehive-shaped communal hut but in the warmer days a series of small huts
provide shelter. Leadership is acquired and maintained by qualities like
generosity, skill at hunting and other work and wisdom based on age and experience. They have a rich collection of myths and songs sung when dancing or at work. |