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   »   »   » Pregnancy - First Trimester


First Trimester

The development of the fetus and the changes in the expectant mother 

 The first trimester of pregnancy constitutes the first 12 weeks and it is the time when your pregnancy becomes established in your body. During the first trimester, your body is undergoing many changes. During this time the fetus makes its greatest developmental strides. Most of the physical and mental growth of the baby takes place during this time. The principal organs both external and internal, including the head, brain, heart, body and limbs and the nervous system of the baby form within this period. Fingers and toes are recognizable. Sex organs begin to develop but cannot yet be observed. 

First Month

  • First MonthThis period ends with the fertilized egg's implantation within the lining of the uterus. The ovum's outer layers are forming the placenta, which is starting to develop a blood supply  from your blood vessels. The inner cells are beginning to form into three layers. The umbilical cord, which carries nourishment to and waste away from your baby, is developing. At the end of your first month, your baby (known as an embryo) is only about the size of a grain of rice. 

Second Month

  • Your baby (now known as a fetus instead of an embryo) continues to grow and is floating in a fluid filled amniotic sac (a double layer of membranes). The principal organs in a simple form and theSecond Monthnervous system are formed. The heart has been beating since week 6 and is pumping blood around the embryo and out along the umbilical cord to the placenta. The site of the ears is evident and the eyes are developing and have some colour. The face is recognizable and there is a mouth and tongue. The limbs are changing from simple flippers and have elbow and knee joints; the hands and feet take shape with the beginning of fingers and toes. Organs like the stomach and liver are developing. There is a blood stream obtaining food from the rich lining of the uterus. At the end of the second month, the baby is about 1inch (2.5cm).

Third Month

  • Your baby is now about three inches long and weighs about one ounce. By the end of third month, all the maThird Monthjor internal organs - the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver and stomach have been formed and are working. The embryo has ears, a nose and recognizably male or female external genital organs. Her kidneys are functioning, producing urine that's passed into the amniotic fluid and eventually removed through the placenta. He also swallows amniotic fluid (cleansed and replaced every 24 hours by the placenta) helping the lungs to develop. The eyelids have formed and closed over the eyes which are continuing to develop. Nails are growing on well formed fingers and toes. The embryo is now quite active and moving freely. He can curl and fan his toes, squint, frown and open his mouth. Most of the time he is in a curled up position with his chin down and knees drawn up. 

Mother's physical changes
You may experience some of  the early signs of pregnancy such as missed periods, breast changes (enlargement or tenderness), nausea, vomiting (morning sickness), increased frequency of urination, fatigue, slight weight gain, abdominal enlargement. Since the hormones of pregnancy slow digestion, some women tend to become constipated. Increased sweating is common. It is important to understand that these are all normal events and that most of these discomforts will go away as your pregnancy progresses.

During your pregnancy, you might feel tired even when you've had a lot of sleep at night. Many women find they're exhausted in the first trimester. Try to get eight hours of sleep every night. If you feel stressed, try to relax. Nausea and vomiting, usually called 'morning sickness' are common in the early stages of pregnancy. Avoid fatty and spicy and fried food. Eat frequent, small meals rather than 3 large meals. If you are vomiting a lot, make sure you don't get dehydrated. When the nausea and vomiting begins to go away, try to resume a healthy eating plan, and take your prenatal vitamins. While morning sickness causes some women to lose appetite and shudder at the thought of food, many other women finds their discomforts being eased off and they begin to have an increased appetite by the third month. 

Dizziness, feeling lightheaded, and even fainting can occur at any stage of pregnancy, since there now is extra blood going down towards your uterus and legs. 


Questions of
 Questions & Answers
 1.  Posted on : 21.8.2016  By  :  Jyoti Bahoria , Plot. no. 206 shree durga niwas, rewatinagar BESA View Answer (0) Post Answer

I am 30 years of age,I am diagnosed with PCOS last year, I always had regular periods and I am mother of a 4 year old boy my problem is my acne which I may facing since last 5to 6 years and it's recurring,I am fed up of this acne is there any treatment please suggest me It will be of great help.

 2.  Posted on : 6.7.2015  By  :  Poonam , Kolkata View Answer (0) Post Answer

My mother has got a renal mass in her right kidney approx 7cm and what we understood by her reports was that she has tiny multiple cysts in her lower pole, the doctor has told us that it is not malignant and non enhancing, but we have just done a ct scan and blood tests not even any biopsy so how can he be so sure it is not malignant, she seldom gets a lower back painin her right side, we are taking her to another consulting doctor for a second opinion, as to no what should be done, she is also type 2 diabetic

 3.  Posted on : 31.8.2014  By  :  Litu , Bangladesh View Answer (0) Post Answer

Hi, I am from Bangladesh. I donated blood to my wife without knowing the fact that it is dangerous. Now she is pregnant of two months. The blood group of both of us is O+. Could you tell me what risks may occur & what precaution should we take?

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