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Pregnancy - Diet

Diet Chart


A well balanced diet is more important  when you are pregnant, since what you eat has to meet your unborn baby's needs as well as your own requirements. The first three months of pregnancy is important as most of the physical and mental growth of the baby takes place during this time. The principal organs both external and internal and the nervous system of the baby form within this period. So it is important to eat well from the beginning itself even if you have discomforts like nausea etc. Like wise babies growth is rapid during the last three months of pregnancy. A nutritious diet during this period is essential for normal birth weight of the baby. 

A nutritious diet with enough proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins are essential during pregnancy. Your diet should consist of a variety of foods selected from the five basic food groups.  Fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain products like breads or cereals, meat, fish or other protein alternatives, milk and other diary products etc provide a nutritious diet. Keep off canned and processed foods, spicy foods, coffee, tea, hot chocolate, sugary foods such as cakes, cookies, candies, sodas and colas and reduce your salt intake as far as possible. 

Eat as wide a variety of food as possible but in moderation. Too much of any one food can even be harmful if it leads to excessive gain in weight.  Try to have three meals every day, or six smaller meals if you have problems with nausea or heartburn.  A total up to a total of 2,200 or 2,800 calories is essential for a healthy pregnancy. Besides the natural diet, prenatal vitamins especially iron, calcium, folic acid  are often prescribed routinely through out the pregnancy by the doctor. 

Some of the essential nutrients 

Folic acid: Folic acid is the most vital nutrient pregnant women need. This is needed for the development of baby's nervous system, especially in the first few weeks. Folic acid is a B vitamin that helps prevent neural tube defects (defects of the spine, brain, or their coverings) and other birth defects like cleft lip and congenital heart disease. By consuming at least 4 milligrams (mg) of folic acid every day before getting pregnant and during the first three months of pregnancy, you can help reduce the risk of these defects. Folic acid is found in dark-green leafy vegetables (like spinach or kale), liver, yeast, beans and citrus fruits, and in fortified cereals and bread. Folic acid is easily lost while cooking, so steam green vegetables or eat them raw.

Iron: Iron is needed to fuel hemoglobin production for you and your baby. Iron also helps build bones and teeth. A shortage of iron can cause a condition called anemia.  If you have anemia, your doctor will give you iron supplements to take once or twice a day. You can help prevent anemia by eating more iron-rich foods like potatoes, raisins, dates, broccoli, leafy green vegetables, whole-grain breads and iron-fortified cereals.

Calcium : This is vital for the healthy development of your baby's bones and teeth, which start to form at about week eight. You will need about double the quantity of calcium than is normal. At least three servings of milk, yogurt, or cheese is essential to meet expectant mother's calcium needs. Apart from diary products, good sources include leafy, green vegetables. Diary products are also high in fat, so if possible choose low fat varieties such as skim milk.  The recommended daily amount of calcium during pregnancy and breast feeding increases significantly  from 800-1200mg.  

Protein : Try to eat a variety of protein rich foods, because your needs increase during pregnancy. Vitamin B6 is needed for the proper utilization of protein. Fish, meat, nuts, peas, beans and diary foods such as milk and eggs all supply protein, but animal sources can also be high in fat, so limit your intake of these and choose lean cuts of meat whenever possible. 

Vitamin C : This will help to build a strong placenta, enable your body to resist infection and aid the absorption of iron. It is found in fresh fruit and vegetables and supplies  of the vitamin are needed daily because it cannot be restored in the body. A lot of vitamin C is lost by prolonged storage and cooking, so eat fresh produce and steam green vegetables or eat them raw.

Fiber : This should form a large part of your daily diet, since constipation and piles are common in pregnancy and fiber will help prevent it. Besides rich sources like fruits and vegetables, brown rice, nuts, cereals including oats, beans, peas and pulses etc are good sources of fiber.

Water: Water plays a key role in your diet during pregnancy. It carries the nutrients from the foods you eat to your baby, and also helps prevent constipation, hemorrhoids, excessive swelling, and urinary tract or bladder infections. Most importantly, drinking enough water, especially in your last trimester, prevents you from becoming dehydrated which can then lead you to have contractions and premature, or early labor. Pregnant women should drink at least six to eight glasses of water per day. You can drink juices for fluid, but they also have a lot of calories and can cause you to gain extra weight. Coffee, soft drinks, and teas cannot count towards the total amount of fluid you need as they have caffeine which actually reduce the amount of fluid in your body.

Healthy Diet for Pregnancy

Viewer's Comment
 Niyamulbasir, Kolkata    1/3/2014
Thanks a lot for your excellent article...
 Ram Bhajan, Delhi    21/7/2013
It is wonderful. Very useful for me thanks for a wonderful article
 Saifuddin, Guwahati    11/7/2013
very very thanks for this.
 Egbuke lilian, Lagos    21/3/2013
It's a joy 2 b a mother so eating well balance diet foods helps d mother n d baby 2 achieve good health.Dnt 4get health is wealth so take good care of ur health
 Sathya Kathiravan, Bangalore    26/12/2012
Vow..... Very informative... Thanks a lot for sharing the diet chart... It's clearly mentioned which nutrition is good for baby's growth.... Awesome... Could you please share the stuff to follow the diet trimester wise... Thanking you ....
 upasana R mahanta, Guwahati Assam    12/12/2012
It was much needed information for the first 3 months and for a healthy & happy pregnancy----it is just a way to care you & your baby---May god bless us all and give us strength and support to step forward in the world for peace of MANKIND---Thanks.
 Rael, Nairobi kenya    27/10/2012
thanks alot.its is so informative.I have learned alot.please split the type of food needed most in the 1st trimester and others. keep it up.
 RadhikaRajesh, Chennai    19/10/2012
Its very useful for all the pregnant ladies especially for me now I got some idea which is healthy for my child once again thanks .
 Jaya, Indore    11/10/2012
Nice content vry helpful thank u so much..
 Tabassum, Baroda    5/10/2012
It is very good information for each and every women in this world. Very much thanks.
 Bushra, Hyderabad    12/9/2012
It's very useful to a pregnant women,thanks allot for providing this information.
 Harpreet Kaur, Chandighar    25/7/2012
Its very helpful thank u. I am very happy after reading. Thank u so much.
 Veena, mysore    25/7/2012
It was very helpful information. Thank you so much.
 Pragya Goel, Greater Noida    3/7/2012
I read all this dieatry guidelines. It was to good and knowledgeful.
 Sujai, Jharkhand    9/6/2012
Nicely presented information with basics.... thanx
 Rachnamukesh, Noida    20/3/2012
It is good information for every pregnanct women. All women read this easily & she have a good pregnancy starting first month to three months & premature baby will be healthy . So pls every pregnant women take heathy food.
 Umanshi, Gurgaon    15/3/2012
It is very good way to collect information I like it very much
 Khushboo, Rajasthan    23/2/2012
It is too good information. May every women read this & they all have a good pregnancy time & Healthy baby. Request to all Pregnant women pls have a good food and ample quantity of water
 Nehal Mehta, Hyderabad    23/2/2012
Its very help full thank you so much and send some more info. Thank you so much...
 Kavita H, Gurgaon    18/1/2012
Its more informative.. I am so happy after reading this... Evry women like this article......

Questions of
 Questions & Answers
 1.  Posted on : 21.8.2016  By  :  Jyoti Bahoria , Plot. no. 206 shree durga niwas, rewatinagar BESA View Answer (0) Post Answer

I am 30 years of age,I am diagnosed with PCOS last year, I always had regular periods and I am mother of a 4 year old boy my problem is my acne which I may facing since last 5to 6 years and it's recurring,I am fed up of this acne is there any treatment please suggest me It will be of great help.

 2.  Posted on : 6.7.2015  By  :  Poonam , Kolkata View Answer (0) Post Answer

My mother has got a renal mass in her right kidney approx 7cm and what we understood by her reports was that she has tiny multiple cysts in her lower pole, the doctor has told us that it is not malignant and non enhancing, but we have just done a ct scan and blood tests not even any biopsy so how can he be so sure it is not malignant, she seldom gets a lower back painin her right side, we are taking her to another consulting doctor for a second opinion, as to no what should be done, she is also type 2 diabetic

 3.  Posted on : 31.8.2014  By  :  Litu , Bangladesh View Answer (0) Post Answer

Hi, I am from Bangladesh. I donated blood to my wife without knowing the fact that it is dangerous. Now she is pregnant of two months. The blood group of both of us is O+. Could you tell me what risks may occur & what precaution should we take?

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