Burns are of 3 types first degree, second degree and third degree, depending on its penetration of the layers of the skin. First degree burn damages the outer layer of the skin, second degree burn go through the second layer of the skin and the third degree burn go through the third layer of the skin which is less painful but destroys the nerve cells in the affected tissue hence the damage will be greater.
Try to put off the fire as soon as possible. If it is a flame burn, roll the victim on the ground and wrap with rugs, blanket or coat. In the case of chemical burn, keep burnt area under low pressure of water till the burning subsides.
Never apply butter, gention violet, Ink, baking soda or greasy ointments on a burn. They seal heat into the wound and may cause infection.
Loosen all the tight clothing and remove clothing on or near the burnt area. If it is over the burnt area do not try to peel it loose.
Avoid undue contamination of burn wound and keep the victim in comfort draping him in clean laundry sheets.
Apply ice pack or cloth soaked in ice water and change them constantly.
It is not recommended to wash the burn if it is a third degree burn.
Seek medical attention immediately if the burn covers more than one part of the body, if it is a third degree burn or caused by chemicals and is located on any sensitive area.
Note : All statements given are only for information purpose. We are not responsible or liable for any problems related to the utilization of information on this site. We suggest that you consult a qualified doctor before trying any alternative health care remedies.