Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Andaman and Nicobar
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Travel Guide
▪ Port Blair ▪ How to reach Andaman & Nicobar ▪ Tourist Information Centres
Tourist information centres

  • Reception counter for booking,
    Directorate of Information, Publicity & Tourism,
    A & N Administration, Port Blair, A & N Islands
    Ph: 03192-03192-232694
    Fax : 03192-232747
  • Andaman & Nicobar Island Information Centre
    3A, Auckland Place,Kolkata - 700017
    Phone : 033-2247-5084, 247-2604/6935
    Fax: 247 5084.
  • Govt. of India Tourist Office,
    VIP Road, Middle Point, Port Blair,
    Tel: 21006
  • Tourist office
    Directorate of Information, Publicity and Tourism,
    Andaman and Nicobar Administration, Port Blair
    Ph: 03192-232694, 232747, 230933, 230234

Entry Formalities

  • Foreigners:

    Foreign tourists need a special permit to visit the Andaman Islands. This can be obtained from Indian Missions abroad or the immigration authorities in Bombay, Calcutta, Delhi, Madras or on arrival at Port Blair Airport. It can also be obtained from The Director, Ministry of Home Affairs (ANL Division), Government of India, 2nd Floor, North Block, New Delhi- 110 001, through Indian Missions at least 3 months in advance. Foreign Nationals are not allowed to visit Nicobar Islands.
    This permit is valid for Port Blair Municipal Area; Havelock Islands; Long; Neil Islands; Mayabunder; Diglipur; Rangat for a period of one month where night halt is permitted. However only a day's visit is allowed to places like Jolly Buoy; South Cinque; Red Skin; Moun Hariet and Madhuban.

  • Indians: Indian nationals need no special permits to visit Andamans. However, permits are required to visit Nicobar islands, issued by The Deputy Commissioner, Andamans at Port Blair.