
Hinduism | Hindu Gods and Goddess | Punniya Grandhas (Sacred Texts) | Sacred Places |
The trinity | Vedic Gods | Incarnations of Vishnu | Ganapati | Lakshmi | Parvati | Saraswati | Subrahmanya |
is t Though these are most common, there are several variations. Some of the other objects shown are: pasa (noose ) Ankusa (goad), padma (lotus) Trisula (trident) Sankha (conch) chakra (discus) and so on. Occasionally she is shown with five face or with eight hands. Even three eyes or blue neck are not uncommon. In this case she is the Mahasaraswati aspect of Durga or Parvati. Though no separate carrier vehicle is mentioned Hamsa or Swan is usually associated with her. Being the goddess of learning, it is proper that Saraswati is shown holding a book in her left hand. |