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  By : , ,       1.10.2009         4 Comments          Mail Now

'Reiki' is a Japanese word meaning life energy. It is a complementary therapy and one of the many facets of alternative medicine available today. It is a method of natural healing. This therapy was discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese theologist. In this therapy, hands are used as the instruments of healing. This therapy is performed by either a Reiki master or a Reiki practitioner.

Reiki is centered upon universal life energy. Reiki energy is regarded as life energy at its most effective. It has a divine quality and it gives a feeling of detachment from the world so that problems doesn't effect the user. Those who use Reiki regularly, often find they are more joyful, lively and their own inbuilt energy is enhanced. Body organs such as the skin and protective systems such as the immune system are improved. Deep relaxation is the main factor in Reiki therapy and this is very much dependent upon the divine quality attributed to the energy.

Effects of Reiki

  1. It enables the universal energy to be received.

  2. It creates a feeling of deep relaxation.

  3. It removes energy blockages, allowing a flow of life energy throughout the body.

  4. It removes toxins of various sorts.

When each Reiki therapy session is complete the whole body may be energized via the root Chakra.

Preparation before Reiki

Remove Jewellery - Before Reiki, Jewellery must be removed, so as to enable the free flow of life energy.

Wash hands- Washing hands makes the hands pleasant to feel, for the recipient of Reiki.

Say a prayer- This is in order to concentrate upon and acknowledge your aims.

If there is any physical blemishes such as burns, the hands should be held a few inches above the skin at this area. If the person is suffering from any illness, he should seek advice from a doctor as to whether they can undergo Reiki therapy.

The extent of each session of Reiki will vary depending upon circumstances and the individual receiving treatment. In the case of a small child or an elderly person, time limit of the therapy should be limited to 15 to 20 minutes.

Positions for Treatment

Reiki can be done on various parts of the body like head, chest and abdomen, back etc. There are various basic positions or arrangements in which hands are placed in different parts of the body.

Reiki on the head is useful in case of cold, sinusitis, eye complaints, allergies, fatigue, headaches, asthma and circulatory problems. In the case of Reiki on the head, the hands are placed on either side of the nose, with the palms covering the eyes, the thumbs rest by the bridge of the nose and finger-tips cover the cheeks and reach the upper lip. In the second arrangement for the head, the hands are placed over the ears, with the fingertips extending down the jaw line to the neck, encompassing the ears of course which includes the semicircular canals, responsible for balance.

Reiki on the back is useful in cases of lung and heart diseases, muscular tension, head aches and related condition. There are a number of arrangements which can be adopted on the back and lower back. In one of this arrangement, the hands are placed across the shoulder blades at mid to upper point, to influence the intestines, lung, heart and various muscles in the neck and shoulder region. If the hands are placed lower down the back, around the midriff (on the lower ribs) this position will accommodate the kidneys and adrenal glands.

In addition to these specific positions, there are many other Reiki positions in different parts of the body to deal with multitude of complaints.

Long-term whole body Reiki can be adopted not only to counteract a particular symptom, but also to treat the whole body to achieve relaxation. Relaxation is possible with the removal of block ages in energy flow and dispersal of toxins. Reiki also facilitates faster recovery from illness. This therapy can be used advantageously with other therapies like Gem therapy, Aromatherapy, Homeopathy, Yoga etc.


Reply Posted On :
23 - 7 - 2010


   Sarfraz Malik, Pakistan
Reply Posted On :
16 - 6 - 2010

Can you please tell me the treatment of skin allergy in reiki

   Rakesh kumar, Delhi
Reply Posted On :
29 - 5 - 2010

Reiki is the best healing therapy

   Hitesh, Nandurbar ( Maharashtra )
Reply Posted On :
4 - 3 - 2010

Reiki therapy is nice therapy. its completed after totally relax person. so i have also use this therapy so tell me fast as possible.


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