Homeopathy is a system of medicine, in which a drug and a disease that produce similar symptoms cancel each other out in some way thereby restoring the patients to, health. This principle of 'Like can cure Like' forms the basis of Homeopathy. It is named after the Greek words, ' Homeo' meaning similar and 'Pathos' meaning suffering or treatment by the same. This system of healing was founded by a German doctor, Samuel Christian Hahnemann (1755). In 1810, he set out the principles of Homeopathy in his book ' The Organon of Rationale Medicine'. |
Homeopathy though developed abroad, has become an integral part of the Indian way of life. It is popular among the people partly due to its remarkable healing capacity and partly because of the belief that its remedies are so refined that they don't cause any harmful resultsIn Homeopathy, remedy is chosen based on the symptoms as well the character and temperament of the patient. In short, two persons with same illness may be offered different remedies based on their individual nature.
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