The marriage ceremony among Nayars was a very simple affair. It was not
associated with elaborate procedures prayers and sermons. The function
consisted of the bridegroom giving a putava to the bride. The marriages
lasted only as long as they were desired by the partners and could be
revoked without any legal or religious endorsement. Nayar women were not
prevented from having remarriages.
A strange system
in practice was that of Nambootiri men marrying Nayar women. The marriage
relation that existed between the Nayar and Nambootiri communities served
the property interests of both, quite effectively. Nayars considered it
a mark of aristocracy to give their daughter and sisters in marriage to
Nambootiris. All the Nambootiri men did not marry Nayar women. The eldest
son in the Nambootiri family had perforce to marry from within the community.
The younger sons took to marriage with Nayar women. The former was the
proper sanctified marriage (veli), the latter was only ad hoc marriage
(sambandham). The Nambootiri husband had no legal obligation to
the children born to him of the Nayar women, the children inherited
only their mother's wealth. Nambootiri men both eldest son in the family
entering into Veli and the younger sons entering into Sambandham practiced
polygamy quite wantonly. The younger sons were free to marry from the
outside caste. Most nambootiri girls had either to enter into 'Veli' with
the eldest sons of the other families who would have been already married
many times or remain spinsters for life. 'Veli' took place between men
in their sixties and girls in their teens. Widowhood was quite common
among Nambootiri women. Nambootiri women were permitted to marry only
The marriage of the Nambootiri does not involve
the tying of the bridal thread or giving of the dhoti. Kanyadanam (giving
away of the bride), Panigrahana (holding the hands) and Sapta padi ( taking
seven steps jointly by the bride and bride groom around the fire
) form the rituals of their marriage.
Pregnancy rites
The fourth important occasion in a girl's life was pregnancy.
Once her pregnancy was confirmed, elaborate rituals are followed. Pulikuti
Kalyanam was a rite conducted during the advanced stage of pregnancy.
Cousin marriage
Among all Hindu communities except the Nambootiris, cousin
marriage was popular. A boy had a rightful claim to marry the daughter
of his maternal uncle or paternal aunt. Among some Hindus one could marry
one's sisters daughter such as Reddiar's and Tamil Brahmins. Among Muslims
in Kerala cousin marriages were not taboo. But the Christians would not
marry among immediate blood relations, not from the cousins on either
side, maternal or paternal.