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Bladder Cancer



Chemotherapy is a systemic treatment using anti-cancer drugs to destroy cancer cells throughout the body. It is given alone or combined with surgery, radiation therapy or both. Depending on the stage of bladder cancer, chemotherapy can be classified into intravesical (within the bladder) and intravenous (within a blood vessel). 

Intravesical chemotherapy is given for patients with superficial bladder cancer. After removing the cancer, a thin, flexible tube called a catheter, is inserted into the bladder through the urethra. One or more liquid drugs are introduced into the bladder through this tube. The drugs remain in the bladder for several hours and they affect the cancer cells in the bladder. It is then drained out with urination. Usually this treatment is done once a week for several weeks. 

If the cancer has deeply invaded the bladder or spread to lymph nodes or other organs, the cancer-fighting drugs are injected into the bloodstream via a vein. This is called systemic or intravenous chemotherapy. The drugs given flows through the bloodstream to almost every part of the body and kill cancer cells wherever they are. The drugs are usually given in cycles so that a recovery period follows every treatment period.

Side Effects : Side effects of chemotherapy vary from patient to patient and it depends mainly on the drugs and doses received, as well as how the drugs are given. Intravesical chemotherapy can irritate the bladder or kidneys. They may cause a rash when they come into contact with the skin or genitals. Common side effects of intravenous chemotherapy include nausea, vomiting, hair loss, loss of appetite, feeling tired or lacking energy, tingling in the fingers, ringing in the ears, increased susceptibility to infection, easy bruising or bleeding and mouth sores. Most side effects disappear when treatment ends.

Biological Therapy
Biological therapy or immunotherapy uses the body's natural ability to fight cancer and helps to prevent the cancer from coming back. One widely used type of immunotherapy is intravesical BCG treatment. It is mainly for superficial bladder cancer. BCG solution contains live, weakened bacteria that activate the immune system to kill cancer cells in the bladder. BCG solution is introduced into the bladder through a thin catheter that has been passed through the urethra. The Mycobacterium in the fluid stimulates the immune system to produce cancer-fighting substances. The solution is held in the bladder for a few hours and then drained out. This treatment is usually done once a week for 6 weeks and repeated at various times over several months or even longer in some cases.

Side Effects : BCG therapy may irritate the bladder and cause minor bleeding in the bladder. Patients may feel tired and have painful urination. Other side effects include nausea, low-grade fever, and chills.

Recently developed treatments for bladder cancer include : 

These naturally occurring compounds are directly inserted into the bladder through a catheter to slow the growth of tumors.
Side Effects include bladder infections, blood in the urine, and signs and symptoms similar to those of the flu. In some cases, interferons have developed serious lung or liver infections.

Photodynamic therapy (PDT)
PDT is a new treatment that uses special drugs and light to kill cancer cells. In this therapy, a chemical called photofrin is put into the bladder and makes cancer cells more sensitive to light. When cells are exposed to light from a laser, they are killed or damaged.
Side Effects : PDT may produce serious side effects, such as chronic bladder infections, bladder shrinkage and long-term sensitivity to sunlight.

After Treatment
Bladder cancer has an unusually high propensity for recurring after treatment, so follow-up care is very important. It may reoccur . Urine cytology and cystoscopy are performed every 3 months for 2 years, every 6 months for the next 2 years, and then yearly.

Regular follow up ensures early detection and treatment. If the bladder was not removed, the doctor will perform cystoscopy and remove any new superficial tumors that are found. Patients also may have urine tests to check for signs of cancer. Follow up care may also include blood tests, x-rays, or other tests. Drinking plenty of fluids may dilute any cancer-causing substances in the bladder and may help flush them out before they can cause damage.


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 Questions & Answers
 1.  Posted on : 16.1.2015  By  :  Mitali , Delhi View Answer (0) Post Answer

My husband is suffer from blood cancer.. He had his first stage.. He took very expensive treatment by still he suffers a lot on his disease..... Is dis possible dat he can be became fit???

 2.  Posted on : 23.5.2013  By  :  Dharmendra Kumar Singh , Kolkata View Answer (2) Post Answer

My nephew age 3+ has blood cancer 1st stage, please sugest me low budget hosital in Kolkata.


The cheapest Hopital for Cancer treatment is Tata Medical at Rajarhat. It is the best in Eastern Region.

  Posted By :Subho , kolkata | On 11.6.2013

There is a lot of cancer research is going on at tata cancer centre. You could try there.

  Posted By :Admin , Kochi | On 23.5.2013
 3.  Posted on : 16.8.2012  By  :  Payalkelkar , Nagpur View Answer (1) Post Answer

Suggest best treatment for blood cancer 1st stage, and best hosital in nagpur.


You should be under the care of an Oncologist and follow his adivice.

  Posted By :Admin , Kochi | On 4.6.2013
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