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6 to 12 months of your baby

6 to 12 monthsNow your baby is taking a more and more active part in life and has become an established member of the family. During the second half of the first year, the baby develops a great deal physically and mentally. He will sit up unsupported, may crawl, stand, and even walk by his first birthday. Babies at this age are developing a real personality and will reward you with laughter, funny faces, affectionate hugs, gurgling, waving, playing with his toys and yelling for attention. He begins to model speech patterns after the speech of those around him. This is a period of steady progress, though the stages of progress may vary with each child.

One-year-olds are delightful.  Each child is special in his or her own way, and you will be amazed at the new discoveries as your older baby develops. Your baby's first steps and first words are exciting events.

This is the age when he starts putting anything he wants to explore, into the mouth. This is the best time to introduce him to soft finger foods to hold and nibble on. By the time your baby is 8 to 10 months old, he may be ready and interested in eating with the rest of the family. At this age she can hold a spoon and is ready to learn to drink from a cup. Some babies will already be on three meals a day at six or seven months. Others will be on milk feedings only. Solids need not be quite as liquid because she can cope with a slightly thicker consistency now, although foods should still be pureed.  By the time she is having solids three time a day she will probably be taking only two milk feedings. Start your baby on very soft table foods such as mashed, potatoes, bananas or apples; yogurt, rice cereals, boiled and pureed carrots, cauliflower or other vegetables, and soft textured meats. Cows milk, citrus fruits, egg whites etc is best avoided during this time as they may cause allergy. As your baby grows more teeth, the consistency of the foods as well as the foods we offer can  become more varied. 


CrawlingMoving around on all fours is a great achievement. A 6 to 7 month old baby starts lifting her chest and bottom, not together but alternatively from the floor supporting her weight on her arms and legs. By 7-8 months she begins to move, sometimes backwards not forward, or wriggles forward on the stomach. She may not use each leg in the same way, a lopsided shuffle with one knee and the other foot is quite normal. Then she'll figure out how to move forward and backward by pushing off with her knees. Encourage her to practice crawling by placing a colourful thing or toy in front of her just out of reach or sitting a few feet away and calling to her. You must note that many babies never crawl, but may go right ahead with learning to stand and walk. Some may just roll over or push themselves forward in the sitting position to move from one place to another. Between 9 to 12 months, the crawling becomes well coordinated and fast.

Sitting upSitting up
Between 6 to 9 months of age your baby will learn to sit up without support. At first when she learns to balance sitting up she will lean forward and spread her legs out wide and straight for support. Then she gets enough confidence to reach her hands to grasp things while sitting. They could turn their whole body while sitting, with out fear of toppling over by 9 months. 


Viewer's Comment
 Ramesh, cbe    15/5/2015
Thanks for ur advice.... I learn hw to make my baby in yr of middle stage.... Thank u

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 Questions & Answers
 1.  Posted on : 6.7.2015  By  :  H B Nagle , Nagpur View Answer (0) Post Answer

My son akshay has been suffering from hydocele for last one year. His one testis is increasing. one more thing is that he is suffering from hemangioma by birth and after two years of his birth hydrocele and tonsils are the new diseases arises

 2.  Posted on : 20.5.2014  By  :  Arav Gagan , Ranchi View Answer (1) Post Answer

I want to 01 Years old baby Vaccine chart ex. Pneumonia, Hepatitis A, Chicken Pocks, Flu. 1.Pneumonia Patient Baby 2. DOB-02/04/2013


These are the reccommendations for immunization by Indian peadiatric associations 1. Hepatitis A - 1 dose (12 Months) , 2 Dose (24 Months) Pnumococcus Vaccination - 1 Dose (1 1/2 Months) 2 Dose (2 1/2 months) 3 Dose - (3 1/2 months) Chickenpox Vaccination 1 Dose - 15 months 2 Dose - 4- 6 years Influence Vaccination - Every Year Check the link for more details Please consult your peadiatrician for further Advise

  Posted By :Admin , Kochi | On 26.5.2014
 3.  Posted on : 27.1.2014  By  :  Vaishnavi , Chennai View Answer (1) Post Answer

Hi thanks for the above information and I am having two more question first one is we can use citric acid regularly for new born baby second my son body over heat what I want to do become normal


You should not use citric acid on a new born baby. Your son probably is a normal active one year old, if you are concerned, please consult a pediatrician.

  Posted By :Admin , | On 26.5.2014
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