The Hair Cutting Ritual On the day prior to the marriage, the groom is set on a ceremonial stool or chair at home and the barber formerly the family barber, cuts his hair in an appropriate cut. Songs are sung on the occasion and friends and relatives gather to witness it. The barber is paid a handsome remuneration in cash as well as given presents in the form of coconut and a measure of rice and sweet meats. This ceremony is held prior to the bath with coconut-pulp, juice or milk. This ceremony is held among all communities. The bath with coconut pulp: Among Christians, on the evening preceding the wedding day the bride at her place and the groom at his, take a ceremonial bath with coconut pulp-juice or milk. It starts with applying ceremonially to the accompaniment of special verses called Zotis, peculiar to the occasion, sung by trained women. On the head or a part of the body of the bride or groom, clad in bathing dress, at his /her own place, a tumbler full or cup full of juice extracted from coconut-shredded pulp kept in a pot is applied, by relatives in a proper order of priority, followed by friends. This is done first, out side the bathing room, in the hall. The second part of the bathing ceremony consists of a bath with water possibly warm in the bathing room, again in a ceremonial manner, with songs being sung in a group. After bathing with a tumbler of water, a few coins are dropped into the pot of water, kept for the purpose. All the money dropped into the pots is taken by the maids who helped or were called for preparing the bath water and coconut pulp juice. Hindus too have a similar bath but not so elaborate. They have an additional application of turmeric (halad) and oil on the body of the bride. Among Muslims, this practice does not exist. |