Friday, December 27, 2024

The People

▪ Introduction ▪ Saddo Ceremony ▪ Hair Cutting Ritual ▪ Beggar's Lunch
▪ Wedding Ceremony ▪ Family organisation ▪ Bangle Wearing Ceremony

The form of marriage prevalent and universally so in Goa state is monogamy, a condition in which one man is married to one woman. 

Among the ChristianMarriages, if the proposal was found to the liking of the groom's elders, Soirik Korunk (arrange of alliance) or rather entering the preliminary talks concerning prospects of a marriage. If the girl finds acceptance in the eyes of visitors, a sweet meat or some article of value like a wrist-watch or dress piece or gold ornaments brought by the delegation, is gifted to the bride-to be, signifying the acceptance of the proposal. For the Christians, the church has prescribed a brief course or instruction to be taken by the prospective groom and bride at the church or at the pastoral institute Pius-x at old Goa. 

Among the Sudras, there was the practice of the groom  to be, to take away the kerchief and soap kept for him, being a sign of  acceptance of the proposal. Later a ring was sent for the engagement.

Among the Hindus, according to the custom, marriage within the same 'gotra' are not  permitted. If the 'gotra' happens to be the same for both and it is still  every one's wish that the concerned marriage should take place, then the marriage ceremony is gone through by a special ritual called Dattak Vidhan or adoption of the bride and her 'gotra' changed. 

The engagement ceremony is called Mudi (literally the ring), it is same for Hindus and Christians. The engagement ceremony among the Muslims is called Mangani.