
The Wancho Dance The Wancho tribes perform dances during appropriate occasions like festivals, ceremonies etc. Ozele festival of Wanchos is celebrated in February-March after the sowing of millet. It lasts for four days and was observed in Longkhau village. All the male dancers have a cane basket hanging at the waist over the buttocks. The basket is decorated with coloured straw tassels, monkey skulls or wild boar's tushes. The straw tassels of the baskets are decorated with coloured beads. The straps of some of the baskets are decorated with white conch-shell discs. Each basket has a bell fitted at its bottom.
The tinkling of so many bells is the only musical sound. All have anklets of straw and girdles of one or two loops of red cane or of bands of cowries or beads just below the knee. The boys and a few youths are naked but others wear a loin-cloth which is white or light blue in colour with two red stripes at the ends decorated with small beads of different colours. This loin-cloth is tucked in position with a cane waist-band which is about six inches broad. The armlets are either of ivory, brass or red cane loops. The handle of the sword is decorated with coloured goat's hair. All wear some bead necklaces. Some wear necklaces of coins. The ear decorations are tufts of red woolen threads or ear-plugs decorated with the red seeds. Some have head-dresses made of bamboo, silver-shaped in a cone and decorated with horn-bill feathers. Some have red cane head-dresses decorated with wild boar's tushes. The hair up to the middle of the crown is brought forward and cut so that the fringe reaches just up to the top of the fore-head while the hair of the back is kept long and tucked round a red or yellow coloured rectangular piece of wood, called the Kahpak. Some of these kahpak's are studded with small pieces of glass while some are decorated with carvings of the human figure or human skull or with a tuft of coloured goat's hair. The side of the head are shaven. |