The Gallong still continue the traditional design on the white clothes with broad rectangular design across the centre. The most popular Padam Minyong skirt is of crimson yellow colour with a vertical band which runs down the centre. The different varieties of bands and colour make the Apatani cloth different from that of the Gallong. The Mishmi weavings is however, more elaborate though the straight lines and bands are in use.
The colours and designs have their symbolic meaning among some of the tribes of Arunachal Pradesh. In Tuensang, the small red squares on a sanctum cloth are said to represent the ferment used in making beer. Shapely pointed triangles are arrows or horn bills. Circles of cowries stretched on a cloth symbolise human heads. The red colour of the shawls stands for the blood enemies, blue stand for the sky and black for the night.
The use of certain kinds of clothes and ornaments is often associated to a family's social position and achievements in the fields of hospitality and war. The Apatani priests may wear special shawl on ceremonial occasion. This shawl with extraordinary design is said to have special supernatural power. One can know about the civil status of a girl from the type of belt she wears. The unmarried Adi girl wear one type of belt. Married women wear another. The Sherdukpens and Hrurso aristocracy alone can wear the Tibetan knobbed bat and in the past there were restrictions on the use of silk among the Monpas.
The Wanchoos allow only members of the chiefs family to wear a certain type of blue head on the arms and legs and have special design for their head bands. In Tuensang the dress protocol has great importance specially because, in the past, man's social position depended on his success in head-hunting and in giving feasts of merit.
Though there has not been much external influence on the design of the fabrics in Arunachal Pradesh, there has been some borrowing of motifs form the neighbouring areas. In western Kameng for example, the influence of Bhutan and Tibet is evident in many of the products of the Monpa loom. Monpa painting is largely Tibetan in subject and technique. Aeroplanes are now familiar objects all over the frontier and they appear in some recent Mishmi textiles.