Social Welfare The social welfare department of the state has been concentrating on the welfare of the so-called backward classes and other weaker section of the society. For imparting training to the member of the scheduled castes and the backward classes in weaving, leather technology, wood work, tailoring, knitting, and embroidery, the government has set up eight technical institutes in the state . The social welfare department is also running nearly 200 community social welfare centres in Jammu and in the Kashmir division. There are two residential institutes for the blind, one each in the Jammu and Kashmir regions. The national family planning Programme was started in 1957-58, and it was followed by the establishment of Regional Family planning Training Centre in 1967. The welfare of government employees, especially at the lower rungs, is particularly looked after. Another aspect of welfare is the generation of the employment opportunities. Small -scale industrial units set up in far- flung areas under the rural Industrial Programme have a pronounced welfare bias. The units include handloom weaving, oil crushing, leather tanning, shoe-making, etc. Jammu and Kashmir has been declared as a special category state, on grounds of financial imbalances. The ratio of grant to loan is 90:10 in special category states as against 30:70 for the others.