Industrial Development Though the state is comparatively backward in the industrial sector, there has been steady progress in the development of the small-scale sector, for which there is tremendous scope. Jammu and Kashmir small -scale Industries Development Corporation Ltd was started in 1975. The main objective of the corporation is J&K industrial and technical consultancy organisation Ltd was set up in April 1997 as a subsidiary of Industrial Development Bank of India. The prime objective of J&K ITCO is to provide a package of consultancy service to tiny, small and medium scale industrial units, both existing and prospective as well as to render assistance to various state-level banks and institutions. Some of the industries in the area include Hindustan Lever synthetic detergent plant, New Joinery Mill, cigarette factory and concrete factory at Bari-Brahamana industrial complex at Jammu. Backward and hilly areas are receiving special attention with regard to the development of handloom weaving, leather tanning, and other local crafts. Trainees from these areas are receiving loans of Rupees 2000 each for installation of looms. Their marketing problem are taken care of by the J&K small-scale Industrious Development Corporation. Carpet exports alone, earned for the country a foreign exchange of Rupees 13.20 crores in 1994-95. Sericulture is one of the oldest industrious in the state. There are two big silk factories, one in Srinagar and another in Jammu. The major thrust is the production of quality cocoons for remunerative prices to the farmers. The Srinagar factory alone, manufactures about 300,000 meters of various types of silk fabrics, georgette, parachute and suiting. The Government woolen mills at Srinagar is another established manufacturing unit which has 2,018 woolen and 1,576 worsted spindles. Handicrafts, being the traditional industry of the state, has been receiving top priority in view of its large employment potential and also demand of handicraft goods both within and outside the country . Handicraft production includes mainly papier mache, wood carving, carpets, shawl making, embroidery etc. This industry particularly in carpets, earns substantial foreign exchange. The handloom development corporation is producing woolen items like tweed, blazer, blankets, shawls, dhusas, kani shawls, etc.
The setting up of the Hindustan Machine Tools Units has been a pace-setter for the large-scale industrialisation of the state. Both the Hindustan Machine Tools (HMT) and Indian Telephone Industries have expanded and diversified their production at Srinagar - their annual total production having since crossed Rupees 201 crores. The Jammu region is not lagging behind. Three rosin and turpentine factories were set up at the Bari-Brahamana complex in the private sector and also a modernised rosin and turpentine factory at Miran sahib in the Jammu division. Two slate pencil manufacturing units and wool combing project were commissioned at Bari -Brahamana. Industrial activity is however, mostly concentrated in the two main cities -Srinagar and Jammu - and their surrounding areas. Determined efforts are made to decentralise industrial growth; this being the guiding principle in setting up of the district Industrious centre. A scheme for infrastructure development of industrial units has been formulated for Battal Balian and Udhampur at a cost of Rupees 5 crores.