
Soil is formed almost entirely of alluvium, the state is situated towards the depressions of the rivers Ganges and Indus. It is a broad level plain standing nearly on the watershed between the basins of the two rivers. It is a vast ground of moist land. In the whole of the region except the flood plains of the Yamuna and the Ghaggar, the alluvium is of the old type containing sand, clay, silt and hard calcareous concentrations about the size of nuts known as 'Kankars'. In the south-western part, a great deal of wind-blown sand has been piled up in the form of sand dunes. These dunes are some times many metres high and extend many kilometers in length. The alluvium is covered by sand, making the region as arid and unproductive as a desert. The only part useful for cultivation in this region are Tals, where due to some reason or the other sand does not collect.