
Sarvanga Asana is one of the most treasured asanas, said to benefit the whole body.
In this asana the whole
body weight rests on the shoulders and the
neck and upper back regions are stretched to the limit. Beginners should
practice the sarvanga asana in a moderate way and gradually attempt the full
How to do :
Restrictions :
This asana should be performed only once in a single session. This final position of this asana can be retained for about 30 seconds on the first day and gradually can be increased to 1 minute. Never hold this position for more than 3 minutes. Beginners may find it difficult to perform the full sarvanga asana. They should practice in a moderate way - i.e. raise their legs upwards only as far as they can. Regular practice for a few weeks would enable them to do the full sarvanga asana.
Benefits :
Strengthens and balances the function of the thyroid which supervises the other glands, in a most effective way. As a result of the reverse blood circulation due to this asana, it brings youthfulness, strength and nourishes the inner cells, tissues and all the organs. It cures impotency, frigidity, lack of sexual power and gives vitality to the practitioner. Centralizes the blood supply in the spinal column and stretches the spine helping to keep it strong and elastic.
Watch Video instructions to do Sarvanga AsanaDisclaimer : We are not responsible or liable for any injury or harm caused to the practitioner while practicing the asanas given here. Some asanas may be inappropriate under certain medical conditions. We suggest that you consult a qualified instructor.