Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Bhujanga or Cobra posture is a popular asana and it is always practiced as the first in a series of backward bending movements.  In this asana the spine is arched backward gently promoting flexibility.

How to do :

Restriction :

Start with three rounds on the first day and increase to a maximum of four rounds. Take rest for sometime between each round. As you practice, you can increase the retaining period of the position gradually from 6 seconds to 1 minute. Do not practice the cobra while pregnant, although this asana is excellent way to prepare the body for pregnancy.

Benefits :

Increases flexibility, rejuvenates spinal nerves and brings a rich blood supply to the spinal region. Activates and energizes the upper areas of the body like the chest, shoulders, neck, face and head, giving a youthful appearance. Corrects various abnormal troubles like constipation, indigestion and increases appetite. 

It has some special benefits for women. Helps relieve problems of the uterus and ovaries and menstrual problems. A regular practice of this asana makes child birth easy.

Watch Video on how to do Cobra Posture

Disclaimer : We are not responsible or liable for any injury or harm caused to the practitioner while practicing the asanas given here. Some asanas may be inappropriate under certain medical conditions. We suggest that you consult a qualified instructor.