Tuesday, March 4, 2025
West Bengal


Arts & Crafts of West Bengal


Tagore Tradition

Song compositions of Rabindranatha Tagore has the most extensive adaptation of all the styles, Hindustani classical as well as indigenous and European and a personal style assimilating and synthesising all extant styles. Subject-wise his songs, nearly 2,500 in number fall into five broad categories namely 1)songs of devotion. 2) songs of love 3) songs of nature 4) patriotic songs and 5) miscellaneous songs. Most of his songs are dhrupadic in structure, being composed in four stanzas and are to be sung according to the notation set.

Dhrupad and Baul styles predominate in Tagore's devotional songs while his other songs make liberal use of the Tappa style in a modified form omitting the feature of improvisations. Many of his patriotic songs are composed in Baul style. For example, the song 'Amar Sonar Bangla' which has been adopted by Bangladesh as its national song and others, like 'Janaganamana-adhinayaka', India's national anthem are Dhrupad based and combine the feature of choral singing. It is in his songs of nature that Tagore comes out in the fullness of his genius as a composer. He employs classical ragas, combines them felicitously to fully unfold the nuances of the lyric and introduces a happy synthesis of folk tunes and ragas in a variety of appropriate time measures. In his songs of spring, Tagore has created a naturalistic myth of recurrence of life, most of such lyrics are for song and dance.