Monday, March 3, 2025


  ❯   Agriculture   ❯   Industry   ❯  Irrigation   ❯  Power

Despite of the high degree of urbanisation, about 40% of the people depend on agriculture for their livelihood. Beside rice and some other food crops, like ragi, bajra and pulses, a number of cash crops like sugarcane, cotton and groundnuts are also produced in Pondicherry.

Milk production and distribution is well organised and it is largely in the cooperative sector. A well established modern dairy is one of the achievement s of Pondicherry.

Fishery is an important occupation as the Union Territory has a total length of about 45 km of  coastline. There are about 28 sea fishing villages in the union territory. While those engaged purely in inland fishing number 17. The inland fishery depends on lakes, ponds, tanks and river water.

Main item exported include rice, fish, hides and skin etc.

There are 23 large and 79 medium scale industries. There are also 5, 400 small scale industries. All these generate employment opportunities to nearly 50,000 persons.


Nearly 45 per cent of the population of the Union Territory is engaged in agriculture and allied pursuits. Ninety per cent of the cultivated area is irrigated. Paddy is the predominant crop followed by pulses. Mahe region contributes to the plantation wealth of  this territory. Crops like coconuts, arcanuts, condiments and spices are grown here. Pulses, groundnut and chillies are the other crops grown in Yanam. During 200-01, 27,972 hectares had been cultivated under rice.


With an investment of over Rs. 1,429 crore, 6.607 industries are providing employment to 77,341 persons as on 31 March 2001. The number of industrial unites regestered up to May 2001 is 6,634 units. The total value of production from these industrial units works out to Rs. 9,141.34 core. The industrial units are manufacturing items such as textiles, computers and peripherals, UPS and other electronic products, consumber durables, fast moving consumer goods, pharmaceuticals, leather goods, earth moving equipments, sugar, yarn, spirit, beer, potassium chlorate, rice-bran oil, auto parts, disposable syringes, roofing sheets, washing machines, bio-polymers, steel tubes, LPG cylinders, etc. The export value of various products manufactured by the industries was Rs.307.31 crore during 1999-2000.


Irrigation in Pondicherry is mainly through tanks and tube wells. There are 84 tanks with an ayacut of 6,456 hectare of which tow are comparatively bigger (Oustery and Bahour). In addition, there were 84 surface water storage irrigation tanks with a total command area of 6,765 ha, and with a water holding capacity of 46.4 mcm. There were also 140 small tanks for harvesting surface water. The number of bore well has increased to about 7,000 from nearly 1,000 in the early sixties. Nearly 90per cent  of the net cropped area is now under irrigation. During 2001-02, 13 tanks have been identified for rehabilitation and community organising works have been completed in 12 tanks. 


The power requirements of Pondicherry are met by availing share from the Central generating stations and by purchasing power from neighbouring State Electricity Boards. A combined Cycle Gas Power Plant of 32.5 MW at Karaikal is under operation since January 2000/ The T. R.Pattinam 110/11KV Substation associated with Gas Power Plant was commissioned in July 1997. One 110/22 KV sub-station at Thethampakkam was commissioned on 24 January 2001. A 230 KV line from Neyveli to Bahour was commissioned in June 2001 which is a second source of supply to the 230/110 KV Bahour Auto Sub Station.