Tamil Nadu has perhaps the largest number of religious observances in the year. Most of the temple-festivals take place in September-October and in the post-harvest months of March-June. The duration of each festivals is from three to ten days more. The main deity is dressed in colourful resplendent costumes and adorned with very valuable and rare items of jewellery of the distant past. The deity is mounted on specially constructed carriers called 'Vahanams' and taken round the temple in processions. Madurai, Srirangam and some other towns have been planned for this purpose, each street being named after the temple festival, the route of which passes through it. The idea of taking out the portable deity in such procession is to enable the sick, the old, the disabled and the members of the communities forbidden to enter temples to get a direct view of the deity and to offer prayer. Caparisoned elephants, gaily bedecked lead this processions to the delight of children. Ornamental silk umbrellas are used to protect the deity from the sun's scorching heat. On the main days of the festival, at night when the deity is carried through important streets every house hold receives the deity with lighted lamps, coconuts, fruits, and flowers are offered to the deity and prayer is made in the form of archana (glorification of the lord). Through out the festival period, religious discourses devotional song-recitals by Thevaram and Prabandam singers in groups, music concerts and performance of folk-arts go on right through the night and devotees make it a point to attend these until the deity returns to the temple in the small hours of the morning. To invoke the blessing of the god, the common folk arrange street dramas, often on the Harischandra, the enacting of the scene where Harischandra appears along with his wife and dead child, in the crematorium is believed to bring in rains. Festival gatherings are made use of to take a look at prospective brides and grooms to arrange matrimonial alliances. These serve to strengthen the earlier alliances, invitations being extended to such kith and kin for feasts.
Folks believe that there will be rain or at least inclement weather on important festival days. For fear of ill-luck at the individual or at the village level. Folks try to be clean as possible. Woman having their menstrual period are prevented from participating in the festival. They are considered to be in a state of pollution. As a part of the festivals, prescribed songs are sung in the prominent temples. The Kapaliswarar and Parthasarathi temples in Madras, the Ekambreswarar temple in Kancheepuram and the Nellyappar temple in Tirunelveli, have certain traditions regarding such singing. In Chittoor, a village 40 km from Coimbatore the incidents connected with invasion of the ruler of Kongu on the Chera country are repeated in the festivals for the local deity Chittoor amman. Scenes of warfare are depicted and school children sing songs from a musical called Konkappadai.