Tuesday, March 4, 2025



Customs and Traditons

In Tamil Nadu, kinship is in its most developed form and is founded  on a number of basic units. The first unit is the nucleus of the family, consisting of father, mother and their children. The second unit is the joint family of two or three generations  of a segment of lineage - grand father, grandmother, their married sons and their wives and children or in some cases, groups of brothers and their families using resources in common and often eating jointly  and having common residence. The next unit is formed out of marriage attachment to wife's relation.

Customs  and traditions of each caste keep the kin together. Kinship is noticed at birth, puberty, marriage, death and annual ceremony. Marriage is usually confined to eligible spouse within the caste.

In Tamil folklore attachment to persons related through the wife or the mothers is great and they are trusted a good deal. The 'maman' or maternal uncle has prescribed duties to perform at social functions. On occasions like the naming of a child, or a marriage, the maternal uncle presents the child /girl  with some ornaments or he gives cash gifts at the marriage. He has the right of leading his sister's children at the marriages and of acting as the master of ceremonies. He has the right to the hand of his sister's daughter in certain communities.