
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V Y |
Afghanistan Embassy
of India |
Argentina Embassy
of India |
Angola Embassy of India 18 A, Rua Marques das Minas, Caixa Postal 6040, Maculusso, Luanda, Angola Telephone: 00-244-2-392281, 371089 Fax: 00-244-2-371094 |
Armenia Embassy
of India 50/2, Dzorapi Street, Yerevan –375019, Telephone: 00-374-1-539173-5 Fax: 00-374-1-533984 Website: www.indianembassy.am |
Australia Consulate General of India Sydney Level 27, 25 Bligh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Tel No : (612) 9223 9500 Fax : (612) 9223 9246 |
Australia The High Commission of India |
Austria Embassy
of India Kaerntnerring 2, A-1015, Telephone: 00-43-1-5058666-9 Fax: 00-43-1-5059219 Website: www.indianembassy.at |
Bahrain Embassy
of India Building 182, Road 2608, Area 326, Ghudaibiya, PO Box No. 26106, Adliya - 326, Telephone: 00-973-712683, 712785,713832 Fax: 00-973-715527 Website: www.indianembassy-bah.com |
Bangladesh High Commission of India, House No. 2, Road No.142, Gulshan-1, Dhaka Tele : 9889339 Fax : 880 02 8817487 Website : www.hcidhaka.org/ |
Bangladesh Assistant High Commission of India 567/B, Greater Road, Laxmipur, Rajshahi Phone : 774841 Fax : 00880-721-772726, 776223 Website :www.hcidhaka.org |
Belarus(Republic of) Embassy of India Ulitsa Koltsova 4, Block No. 5, Minsk 220090, Belarus. Telephone: 00-375-17-2629399, 2627739 Fax: 00-375-17-2629799 |
Belgium Embassy of India 217 Chaussee de Vleurgat, 1050 Brussels, Telephone: 00-322-6409140 Fax: 00-322-6489638 Website: www.indembassy.be |
Belgrade Embassy of India, Generala Hanrisa 37, Vozdovac, 11010 Telephone: 00-381-11-2466192, 2461429 Fax: 00-381-11-2465043 |
Bhutan Embassy of India India House Estate, Thimphu, Bhutan. Telephone: 00-975-2-322162 Fax: 00-975-2-323195 Website: www.eoithimphu.org |
Brazil Embassy
of India,
SHIS QL 08, Coj 08, Casa 01, Lago Sul, CEP 71.620/285, Brasilia, DF, Telephone: 00-55-61-2484006[4 lines] Fax: 00-55-61-2485486 Website: www.indianembassy.org.br |
Bulgaria Embassy of India 31, Patriarch Evtimii Blvd.,Sofia 1000, Bulgaria. Telephone: 00-359-2-9867672, 9867772 Fax: 00-359-2-9801289 |
Brazil Embassy
of India,
SHIS QL 08, Coj 08, Casa 01, Lago Sul, CEP 71.620/285, Brasilia, DF, Telephone: 00-55-61-2484006[4 lines] Fax: 00-55-61-2485486 Website: www.indianembassy.org.br |
Bulgaria Embassy
of India 31, Patriarch Evtimii Blvd.,Sofia 1000, Bulgaria. Telephone: 00-359-2-9867672, 9867772 Fax: 00-359-2-9801289 |
Burkina Faso Embassy of India No. 167, Rue Joseph Badoua, B.P. 6648, Ouagadougou- 01, Burkina Faso. Telephone: +00-226-312009,00-226-314368 Fax: +00-226-312012 |
Cambodia(Royal government of) Embassy of India No. 777, Monivong Blvd, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Telephone: 00-855-23-210912, 210913 Fax: 00-855-23-213640 |
Chile Embassy of India 871, Triana, Post Box No. 10433, Santiago,Chile. Telephone: 00-56-2-2352005, 2352633 Fax: 00-56-2-2359607 |
China Embassy
of India 1.Ritan Dong Lu, Beijing 100600 China Telephone: 00-86-10-65321908,65631858 Fax: 00-86-10-65324684 Website: www.indianembassy.org.cn |
Colombia Embassy of India Carrera 7, No. 71-21, Oficina 1001, Torre B, Edificio Bancafe,Bogota DC Telephone: 00-57-1-3174865, 3174876 Fax: 00-37-1-3174976 Website: www.embajadaindia.org |
Cote d’Ivoire Embassy of India, Villa No. 105, Rue L98, 7eme, Tranche, Cocody/II Plateaux-Angre, 06 BP 318, Abidjan 06, Telephone: 00-225-22423769/22427079 Fax: 00-225-22426649 |
Croatia Embassy of India Boskoviceva 7A, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Telephone: 00-385-1-4873239-41 Fax: 00-385-1-4817907 Website: www.ring.net/indija |
Cuba Embassy of India Calle 21. Esquina a ‘K’, Vedado, La Havana, Cuba Telephone: 00-53-7-333777, 333169 Fax: 00-53-7-333287 Web : www.indembassyhavana.cu |
Czech Republic Embassy of India Valdstejnska 6, 11800Prague 1, Czech Republic Telephone: 00-420-257533490-93 Fax: 00-420-257533378 Web : www.india.cz |
Canada High Commission of India 10 Springfield Road, Ottawa, Ontario K1M 1C9 Telephone No: 613 744 3751, 613 744 3752, 613 744 3753 Fax No: 613 744 0913 |
Canada Consulate-General of India 365 Bloor Street East, 7th Floor Toronto, ON M4W 3L4 (Nearest subway - Sherbourne) Telephone: 416-960-0751,416-960-0752,416-960-4831,416-960-8173 Fax: 416-960-9812 Website: www.cgitoronto.ca |
Canada Consulate General of India
Vancouver Chancery #201-325 Howe Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 1Z7,Canada Telephone: (604) 662-8811 Fax CG/DCG : (604) 682-3556 Admn/Comm : (604) 682-2471 Consular : (604) 609 2031 |