Venkatesh and Kalyani. Their beautiful life and their precious son…
Venkatesh and Geetha. What a mischief-maker Fate is! Their chemistry,
their affinity. The human side of a man, the guiles of a woman…
Geetha and Lawrence. Life’s meteorites crashing into the home
of a simple man who is trying to do the best for his family and be a
wall of support for his troubled loved ones…
Don’t judge this story by its rights and wrongs. Just flow with
the lives of Venkatesh, Kalyani, their son, Geetha and Lawrence and
the twists and turns along the way.
It’s not always a black-and-white good or evil tale, but filled
with greys and the difficulties of making the right choices… and
not knowing when the wrong ones are made until it is too late!
Pachaikil Muthucharam is all about the intangibility of existence.
About how the lives of Venkatesh, Kalyani, Geetha and
Lawrence have become intertwined by simple, daily choices.
Welcome to a silandhi valai, welcome to the spiderweb...