Veeralipattu, directed by Kukku Surendran, explores the bond between a father
and a son. This is Kukku's second film after 'Oraal', which had Mukesh
and Sreya Reddy in the lead. In Veeralipattu, he is focusing on the strength
of family bond.
The film tells the story of a young man-Harynarayan and his family,
forced to bear the burden of tradition.The movie begins when Harynarayan
(Prithviraj), a software engineer based in Chennai, returns home after
two years.His father Madhavan Nair (Murali), an industrious farmer and
a man who loves his family dearly and Narayanan Nair is the elder in
the most prestigious Nair family in the village. Things begin to happen
as Hari's girlfriend Pooja (Padmapriya) comes to the village one fine
Jagathi Sreekumar, cast as Hari's grandfather is also a 'Velichapadu'.
Rekha, Suraj Venjarammood, Jaffer Idukki and Sreejith Ravi are also
in the cast.
Veeralipattu is produced by Sunil Surendran, the elder brother of Kukku
Surendran. Ashok and Sasi have joined hands to pen the screenplay and
dialogues for Neeraj Menon's story. Cinematography is by Manoj Pillai.
Lyrics by Vayalar Sarath Chandra Varma have been set to tune by Vishwajeet.