Wednesday, March 12, 2025



In Mizoram traditional industries weavers and blacksmiths played an important role - first was a home industry for respective home consumption only and the second was for making weapons and implements for war, hunt, agriculture and domestic use.

None of the industries came up for marketable produce.  Mizoram has plenty of raw materials for industry mostly from forest, agriculture and horticulture.

A craft centre was started in Aizawl which produces floor rugs, bags, aprons, cane works etc.  In fact these types of local produce including Mizo hats, side bags and Mizo shawls have become very popular all over India.

On 1989, the state Government formulated an industrial policy for the state. Under the policy priority was given to agro and forest based industries followed by handloom, electronic and consumer industries.

Some ginger and fruit processing plants have come up in the state, Zoram industrial development corporation (ZIDCO) has been set up by the state government in collaboration with the Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI).  It is setting up industrial units of its own and is also assisting various enterprises.

A State Government undertaking - Mizoram Food and Allied Industries Corporation has been set up to develop, industries based on agro-horticultural products.  Apart from the ginger, maize and fruit juice plants, there is potential for setting up different industrial projects based on locally produced fruits, tea, coffee, chillies, oilseeds, sugar cane, meat, milk, etc. 

Another Government unit, Zoram Electronics Development Corporation, has been set up to promote the electronics industry. The climate condition, pollution free atmosphere and delicate skill of the Mizo women are conducive for successful electronic units like manufacture and assembly of television, radios, amplifiers, calculators, etc.

Tribal clothes of the north-eastern states with attractive local motifs and designs are becoming very popular all over the country. Similar demand exists for the typical tribal handicrafts. The State Government has set up the Mizoram Handloom and Handicraft Development corporation for this purpose.

To promote various types of village industries Mizoram Khadi and village Industries Board was set up in 1986. The different training cum production centres set up by the Board in the state cover silk spinning and weaving, cotton spinning and weaving, soap making, oil extraction, carpentry, cane and bamboo works etc.