Tuesday, February 25, 2025

The People

Customs of Lakher Society

Lakher Customs Regarding Marriage

▪ Divorce

Remarriage of Widows

A Lakher widow (nonghmei) could remarry immediately after the husband's death. Generally, a brother, younger or elder, could marry his widowed sister-in-law.

This custom ensured security to the widow, the children and the family property.  But a widow could remarry outside the family also. A widow, till she remarried, would stay in the late husband's house.


Divorce was very simple - one could divorce the spouse at will.  But there were certain customary procedures to follow.  The main issues concerned refund or payment of the unpaid bride price.  If a man divorced his wife (lapinongma), her relations could get back all the bride prices they had received. If a woman divorced her husband (sawng pakua), the entire bride price would have to be returned to the husband.  If she had children, she was entitled to retain angkia portion of the bride price; if she preferred to keep the angkia, the children would go to the husband. If, however, she did not claim the angkia, the children would go to her brother.

There could be divorce in certain extraordinary situations.  If the husband was impotent, the wife could divorce him after allowing a period of one year during which he could propitiate gods by various sacrifices to gain potency. In case of such a divorce, the bride price could be retained by all the receiving parties.  There could be divorce on account of madness.  If the wife was mad, the husband would offer sacrifices during a period of one year for her recovery and if it failed, she could be returned to her brothers who would have to take her back and they would retain the bride price. If the husband was mad, a brother of the husband would offer to marry the woman, but she could refuse such a marriage. She could go back to her brothers who would also retain the bride price.  There could be divorce on grand of adultery of the wife, which was treated as very disgraceful for the husband.  The husband would turn out the adulterous wife and would get back the bride price from everyone to whom it was paid. The male partner of the woman in adultery would be fined Rs. 60/- as compensation to the offended husband who with this amount would be supposed to purchase a cloth to cover his shame in the other word after death.  On the other hand, a person winning the favour of another man's wife would be treated as a hero. On his death his head would be adorned with the white tail-feather of a cock which would be put on the memorial past after his burial. His spirit would be so adorned for the inmates of the other world to appreciate his valour.