Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Prime Ministers Relief Funds

Prime Ministers funds are funds created to provide relief to people in distress. There are two such funds, The National relief  fund and the National Defence funds. Both are public funds, which depend entirely on voluntary donations received from the public. One can contribute money, no matter how small the amount, to the Prime Minister's Funds.

National Relief  Fund

The National Relief Fund, created shortly after independence, is utilised for providing immediate relief to the families of those killed in natural calamities like floods, cyclones and earthquakes. It also grants assistance to families affected by major disturbances, riots and accidents. Besides, the Fund extends assistance to indigent persons to partially defray the cost of expensive medical treatment like heart surgery, kidney transplantation and cancer treatment. All contributions to the Prime Minister's National Relief Fund are fully exempt from Indian Income Tax under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961 subject to the prescribed limits.

Voluntary contributions to the fund from individuals as well as organisations can be deposited in select branches of the Central Bank of India, Union Bank of India, Dena Bank, State Bank of India, Bank of India, Indian Overseas Bank, Indian Bank, Allahabad Bank, Citi Bank, Corporation Bank, Syndicate Bank and the Punjab National Bank  through cheques or bank drafts in favour of the 'Prime Minister's National Relief Fund' along with a slip mentioning the cheque/ Draft No., Bank Name, Branch, Amount in Rupees as well as words to the following address 

Prime Minister's Office, 
PO Box No : 5411, 
New Delhi 110011

Receipt of the contribution will be acknowledged by the receiving bank, and the donation sent to the Fund account for deposit. Thereafter, a formal receipt for the contribution will be issued from the Prime Minister's National Relief Fund. All donors should ensure that the pay-in-slip is properly filled in while making the deposit to enable the Prime Minister's Office to issue the formal receipt.

Contributors abroad may deposit their contributions with the local Indian Mission or in any branch of the State Bank of India for transfer to the Prime Minister's National Relief Fund. 

Donations may also be made directly into Central Bank of India, New Delhi/ Mumbai’s following accounts stating beneficiary 'Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund, SB A/C with Janpath, New Delhi'. 

Pound Sterling: A/C No. 203253-80412368 with,
( SWIFT Code :- BARCGB 22 )

EURO: A/C No. 4112222001 with CITI BANK,
( SWIFT Code :- CITI DE FF )

To enable the government to send appropriate receipt, you should furnish details to the bankers in M.T 100 Formats through SWIFT – SWIFT CODE “CBININ BBAPAR”.

Form for donations to PMNRF

National Defence Fund

Set up in 1962, National Defence Fund is used for all purposes connected with defence effort, such as promotion of National Defence and all efforts including welfare of the members of the Armed Forces (including paramilitary forces) and their dependants. 

The fund is administered by an Executive Committee consisting of the Prime Minister as Chairman, and the Defence, Finance and Home Ministers as Members. The Finance Minister is the Treasurer of the Fund, and the Joint Secretary to Prime Minister is the Secretary of the Executive Committee. This is the Public Fund, and the account and balance are kept with the Reserve Bank of India. Its accounts are audited by the Conroller & Auditor General of India.

Voluntary contributions towards the National Defence Fund from individuals, organisations etc., can be made by cash, cheque/draft with any branch of the State Bank of India/Reserve Bank of India. Money Orders can also be sent through post offices, on which no service charges are levied. Indians abroad can deposit their contributions with the Indian Missions abroad.

Donations can be sent to the following address;

National Defence Fund,
Prime Minister's Office, South Block,
New Delhi 110011. 

All donations are 100% exempt under Indian Income Tax Act and receipt for donations received shall be sent by Post.

Courtesy : Official site of Government of India.