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 Scientific Name : Solanum melongena L
 Family : Solanaceae (the Poisonous Nightshade family)
 Colour : White, purple, green, yellowish white
 Common names : Eggplant, aubergine guinea squash, brinjal
 Best Season : Throughout the year
 Nutritional Value : 42 kcal, 4.8 g protein, 525 mg calcium, 6 mg iron, 6.4 mg vitamin A per 100 g serving

Eggplants are believed to be native of the far east, India or perhaps southern China. They got their name from a common variety which produced small, white fruits resembling eggs. Cultivated throughout the world they are known by different names and comes in a number of varieties. It contains vitamin C and potassium.

The ornamental looking plant grows as a small bush up to 1.5 m high. The leaves are large, alternate and lobed, with the underside of most varieties covered with dense wool-like hairs. The flowers are violet-colored and star-shaped, and bloom either as a solitary or in clusters of two or more. The fruit can vary in shape from oval to round or cylindrical and long to oblong. The color of the mature fruit is typically purple to purple-black, but can also be red, yellowish-white, white or green.

Propagation and Planting :

Propagation is through seeds and transplants are available from nurseries. Seeds can be sown 1/2 inch deep in pots or seed trays or directly in the soil. The soil should be kept moist and enriched with manure. Protect from wind and sun for the first few days. Seeds sown indoors is ready to be transplanted in 6 to10 weeks with five to seven leaves. Spacing between plants vary depending on the variety, usually they are set 2 to 3 feet apart. They can also be grown in large pots or tubs.

Eggplants are a warm season plant and requires full sun to give maximum yield. They are at risk in cold temperatures. Those grown in partial shade will take longer to ripen fruit. It requires warm, fertile, well drained soil with a pH of 6 to 7. Prepare the soil well before planting by adding a generous amount of compost or well rotted manure.

Plants are fairly tolerant to drought but must be kept well moist at all times. But too much watering can also cause roots to rot. Regular light fertilizing yields a good crop. Transplants will start yielding around 30 days after flowering. They are ready to be picked when the skins turn glossy.

Problems and Care :

Eggplants are subject to a number of problems, including diseases, insects and environmental factors. A particularly damaging disease in eggplant is Verticillium wilt. It causes stunt growth in plants and yellowing, wilting, and dying of leaves. They are also susceptible to seed rot and leaf spots. Proper growing conditions like full sun with well drained soil can avoid these problems. Flea beatles causing tiny holes in leaves are another problem which can be controlled by applying insecticides. Mulching around the plant will help control weeds, reduce water loss, maintain even moisture and stabilize soil temperatures.

 Eggplant Recipes

see more
Brinjal Chana   Brinjal (Baingan) Curry   Eggplant Bhaji
Kosu(brinjal curry)   Spicy Brinjal curry   Brinjal Salad
Beguni / Eggplant Fry   Brinjal Pickle   Brinjal Thogaiyal (Chutney)
Questions of
 Questions & Answers
 1.  Posted on : 20.8.2013  By  :  Shibu Daniel , Jaleeb Al Shoukh View Answer (2) Post Answer



how long will it take to grow plant

  Posted By :Sumaiya , vijayanagar | On 8.3.2017

Cloves generally require a humid, warm tropical climate. you could get more details from the following link

  Posted By :Rhea , Kochi | On 13.5.2015
 2.  Posted on : 28.8.2012  By  :  Srinivas , Hyderabad View Answer (2) Post Answer

Ever time i grow ladies finger plants, they are stunted, they dont grow more than 1 feet height, they just flower poorly and dry. Does it specifgy any nutrional deficiency??


Use indian cow dung and urine as fertilizer. You should get good result. Also use non-hybrid seeds.

  Posted By :Kiran , Pune | On 23.2.2015

Request you to kindly purchase good quality of seeds, pls verify your soil is ok or not, if not pls mix soil & compose approx 70/30 share and put ur seeds 3days in sunlight before panting.

  Posted By :Alok Kayal , Secunderabad | On 2.1.2013
 3.  Posted on : 17.1.2012  By  :  Gangadhar , Secunderabad View Answer (0) Post Answer

Am planning to cultivate pumpkin and thinking to sow seeds in january month end is there any risk and what will be the average yeild per acre at maturity.

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