
Roses are usually chosen for their colour, but its growth performance will depend on factors like climate of the region, soil conditions etc. Roses are available as bare-root bushes or as plants grown in containers from Nurseries or by mail order. Select good quality rose plant. Bare root roses cost less, are easier to plant and offer a wide range to choose from, than container grown roses. The advantage of container grown roses is that you can see the colour of the flowers and foliage and have a instant plant ready to fill you garden. Potted plants have a greater survival rate than bare root plants. Always buy roses in the largest container available, as small container grown plants may have had their roots pruned in order to fit the container.
PlantingRoses grow best in constantly moist but well-drained soil. A soil pH between 6.5 ( slightly acidic) and 7.0 is considered best for roses. Avoid planting in excessively sandy or clayey soils. Sand should be added if the soil is extremely moist/ clayey. Add peat moss, dead leaves or some other organic sources to the soil before planting the rose. Its best to prepare the soil months in advance of planting.
The best time to plant bare root roses is in January or February up to March. October end - November planting can also be successful if your area does not have severe winters. Potted roses that it can be planted at almost any time. Before planting, potted plants can be placed outdoors and watered for some time to make the roots and canes moist. Potted roses need to be pruned when planted. Soak the bare root plant in a bucket of water for 1 2-24 hours before planting.
Roses flower best in sunny locations. Most types need at least 6 hours of direct sunshine daily, preferably in the morning for flowering and growth. Try to select a planting location that is not shaded by buildings, trees etc.
Dig a trench of 15 inches deep and 18 inches wide with one slanted side. Soak the area where you intend planting to make the soil more manageable. Small roses need a hole not much more than 18 inches across. Shrub roses need holes about three feet across. Climbers planted along a wall may need holes a little bigger than this. In any case, the planting hole should be big enough so the rose roots have enough space without crowding. Before planting a bare root plant trim off any long or damaged roots. Place the juncture of roots and stem just below the soil surface. If there is a bud union, it should be about 1 inch above the soil. Fill the hole with soil and press it firmly down. Water thoroughly after planting.
PropagationPropagation can be done from cuttings, by budding and from seeds.
New plants by BuddingMake a 1 inch long T shaped cut in bark of under stock, an inch or two above soil level. For bud wood, choose a stem that has just flowered. Slice under bud to get 1 inch bark with bud in it. Peel back under stock bark at T cut, insert bud shield. Bud should be at least 1/4 inch below top of T. Firmly tie bud in place with plastic or rubber strip, wrapping both above and below it but leaving bud exposed. When bud sends out a strong new shoot the next spring, cut of under stock growth about 1 inch above the shoot. If the bud is plump and green, you have the start of a new rose bush.
New plants from cuttingsYou can start cuttings after the first bloom. Cuttings should be 6-8" long and be cut from the parent plant.Cut just flowered stem below a leaf, remove lower leaves and plant in sandy potting mix. Remember that the cuttings should not be allowed to dry out. Enclose the entire pot in a plastic bag or invert a glass jar over it. When new growth shows that the cutting has rooted, you can remove the bag or jar.
New plants from seedsRoses can be propagated also through seeds known as hybridizing. Select two rose that you want to cross-pollinate. The blooms should be one third open. Remove all the petals. Carefully remove all the golden yellow stamens at the base inside. Place the stamens into separate. Cover the `flower with a paper bag so that no pollen will be carried to stigmas by insects or wind. Make cross when stigmas are sticky. Simplest is to cut flower with pollen-laden stamens, remove petals, rub stamens onto stigmas. If cross is successful, seed bearing ovary will swell.
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