Monday, March 31, 2025


 Scientific Name : Gerbera jamesonii
 Family : Asteraceae/Compositae  (Daisy Family)
 Colour : white, red, cream, orange, pink, purple & yellow
 Common names : Gerbera, African daisy, Transvaal daisy, Barberton daisy
 Flowering Period : All year round

Gerbera flowers comes in vibrant colours adding beauty to your garden. It has around 40 species spreading from Africa across to Madagascar into tropical Asia and South America. Gerbera are plants with a height up to 18 to 24 inch and 4 to 10 inch diameter flowers. There will be more than ten leaves in a plant, medium green in colour spread out in a circle parallel to the ground. These plants can be planted in gardens, mixed containers and pots. Its cut flowers last long and gives colour and beauty to any room. There are many hybrids that come in white, cream, yellow, orange-pink, purple or violet. These plants are usually grown in greenhouses and are used for cut flowers. Gerbera flowers all year round.


Propagation may be achieved through seeds, basal cuttings or through dividing. Basal shoots or cuttings from the parent plant should be taken in summer (March- April). Seeds are sown or cuttings can be inserted in sandy soil until the saplings become an inch tall or the cuttings form roots. Plants grown from seeds can differ from the parent plant and seeds which do not germinate within about twenty days are likely not to germinate at all.

Replanting is done in April. The saplings (germinated seeds) and the cuttings can be replanted in pots filled with a mixture of sand, dried organic mix, loam. When repotting ensure the crown of the plant is above the level of the soil.  Until the plants settle, they should be kept in shades and sprinkled with water. After that no shading is necessary. The settled plants lasts for 3 to 4 years. After that flowers will lessen and the growth of the plant will get stunted. 

For best results the plants need a liberal amount of sun and water. Half day of direct sun and half day of partial shade and remaining slightly moist at all times is ideal. High source of light can give an abundance of flowers. Healthy Gerberas are rarely bothered by pests. Fungus and stem rot is a common problem with over watered plants. Remove old leaves regularly to prevent fungus infections.

Gerbera Flower Gallery

Questions of
 Questions & Answers
 1.  Posted on : 28.11.2012  By  :  Srikanth , Secunderabad View Answer (0) Post Answer

Hi my name is srikanth, I have agro farms, i am planning in garbera flowers cultivation, we i am planning from green house for garbera, can anyone help me out how can do cultivation, soil, garbers plants or seeds, were can i get them, and cost of project 1000sqryards of land. please mail me about total garbera flowers cultivation and price of buying and selling in market and seeds.

 2.  Posted on : 25.1.2010  By  :  madhu , hyderaqbad View Answer (0) Post Answer

i want to grow gerbera flowers in hyd please give some sugesstation and how to marketing in ap please give details

 3.  Posted on : 24.12.2009  By  :  ashwini , nasik View Answer (1) Post Answer

what is scope for gebera plantation business? if w plant them what is selling market? how gerbera is planted? how much investment does it need ?


project can be worked out for gerbera on commercial can be taken up on long term.project report cost is Rs.12,000..please contact....for more details

  Posted By :golla sarath chandra , hyderabad | On 12.2.2011
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