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Ribbon Flower Hair Bow

Ribbon Flower Hair Bow
Total views : 9763    10 . 6 . 2014
Here is a cute hair bow idea with Satin Ribbon.

You can attach the bow to a head band to make your girl feel like a princess.


 Ribbon Flower Hair Bow
 Ribbon Flower Hair Bow making
For this we need the following things.
» Satin ribbon
» Scissors
» Glue
» Headband

roll it on them

Cut a long piece of the ribbon. Keep your fingers together and roll it on them as you see here.

fold the entire ribbon

Take it out carefully and fold the entire ribbon to two halves.

folded end using the scissors

Shape the folded end using the scissors. Make sure that you are simply making a 'v' shape without the detaching the end.

Take a small narrow piece of the same ribbon

Unfold it. Now you see that, right at the middle of the ribbon there is a cut. Take a small narrow piece of the same ribbon. Tie it tightly on that cut.

Arrange them in a flower

Now try to take out each petal of the ribbon as you see here. Arrange them in a flower like shape.

Fix a button at the middle

Fix a button at the middle of the bow.

Now glue it to the head bow

Now glue it to the head bow. The cute beautiful ribbon bow is ready.


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Subitha, kanyakumari
June 20, 2014
Very nice and easy way to learn