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Pista Shell Necklace

Pista Shell Necklace
Total views : 21946    18 . 3 . 2014

Pista shells have always been a favourite of craft makers.

We will make a beautiful necklace out of these shells.


Pista Shell Necklace
Collect the things given below to make it,
Collect the things
» Pista shells
» Cardboard
» Glue
» Scissors
» Chain
» Metallic paint - three different shades of one colour.

cut out a small shape as shown from the cardboard

First of all cut out a small shape as shown from the cardboard.

Attach it to the chain using these holes

Make two holes on both ends of it using any sharp object. Attach it to the chain using these holes as you see here.

Apply glue all over the piece

Apply glue all over the piece. Stick the shells one by one to this cardboard piece. Let it dry well. Now it is the time to paint it.

Start from the bottom layer.

purple shade on the bottom layer

Here I am using different shades of pink. Apply purple shade on the bottom layer,

on top of that apply dark pink, then normal pink

on top of that apply dark pink, then normal pink and finally very light pink.

beautiful pendant

Let it dry. See, we have made a beautiful pendant. It looks costly too, doesn't it?


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Akshay Das, Kolkata
July 22, 2016
Method for preparing should be clearly explained