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Satin Ribbon Pearl Necklace

Satin Ribbon Pearl Necklace
Total views : 27446    10 . 6 . 2014

As we all know, Satin ribbons are commonly used to wrap gifts & make bows.

Presenting an idea to make a necklace with the material. Adults as well as kids can use it.


Satin Ribbon Pearl Necklace
For this we need the following things,
» Satin ribbon
» White beads
» Scissors

two halves. Make a knot at the folded end

Take the ribbon and fold it into two halves. Make a knot at the folded end as shown.

insert a bead

Take one of the ends and make a knot on it. Now insert a bead through one of the ends. Secure the bead with another knot.

secure it with a knot

Now take the other end of the ribbon and make a knot on it. Add a bead, and secure it with a knot. Add one more bead to the same end.

hold both ends together

Now hold both ends together and make a knot.

Keep both ends together

Now make a knot at the end where we have inserted a single bead. Just below the knot add a bead and again make a knot to secure it. Add one more bead and make knot. On the other end add a single bead. Keep both ends together and make knot.

desired size

Continue doing it, until you reach the desired size.

Connect both the ribbons

Take another two pieces of ribbon and fold them into two halves. Connect both the ribbons on either sides of the necklace. The satin ribbon necklace is ready.


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Jyoti, shirpur
July 10, 2017
It's very simple to make And very cute
Malarkodi, Bangalore
June 9, 2017
Malarkodi, Bangalore
June 9, 2017
Supreetha, Bangalore
May 8, 2017
wow very nice...
Manasi, Virar
January 14, 2016
Very nice and easy to make...
Aswathy Vinuraj, Kollam
January 13, 2016
It is very beautiful and so easy to do....
Anu, Tamilnadu
November 24, 2015
It is beutiful and so easy to do...
Nalini, Neyveli
June 13, 2015
It is perfect and easy to do..............