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Bead Flowers - Blue Lace Flower

Bead Flowers - Blue Lace Flower
Total views : 17082    3 . 11 . 2009

Beads come in different sizes and hues and can be used to make jewellery pieces as well as attractive flowers.

See how the Blue lace flower is replicated using light blue crystal beads.


Apple Blossom | Bougainvillea | Clematis | Lily 

Materials :

  • Gold or Silver wire

  • Binding Wire 

  • Blue Crystal beads for flower

  • Green beads

  • Dark Green Tape

  • Stem Wire

This flower has five Loop Petals with 10 beads in each loop. This 5 loops must be done in a single wire. You can increase or decrease the number of beads used for each petal depending on the size of the beads and how big (size) you want your flower to be. There are no leaves. 


Group 1:
Twist the feed wire around the starting wire, pulling it tightly against the loops. Cut away the starting wire. Leave 1" of beads on the feed wire for stem. Cut the bare wire leaving 3", this is to join the flower with the stem. Make 8 flowers.

Group 2:
The method of making the flower is as same as in flower 1. The only difference is to leave 2" of bead on the feed wire for stem. Make 18 flowers.

Arranging :

  • Take 4 flowers (from Group1) and twist all the hanging wires together from under the beads. Do the same with the remaining 4 flowers. 

  • Take 3 flowers (from Group2) and twist all the hanging wires together from under the beads. Do the same with the remaining flowers. 

  • Using the green tape, tape the bare wires of each twisted group.

  • Cut a long pieces of stem wire.

  • Attach one part of group1 flower on the top of the stem wire. And the second part right next to it and tape.

  • Attach group2 flowers in the same way, directly under and spaced evenly around stem. Tape down entire stem.

  • Insert green beads on a long wire (around 2")and twist it around the stem under the flowers to make it more attractive.


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