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Fabric Painting

Fabric Painting
Contributed by- Jennifer Augustine , Kochi , India
Total views : 67789    21 . 12 . 2020

Care to paint on cloth ?

A beginners Guide to Fabric Painting, tips by Mrs. Jennifer Augustine, an expert in the field.


  Materials Required:
Materials Required
» Cloth
» Fabric Paints (Fevicryl)
» Brushes (different numbers)
» Frame
» Palette
» White Tracing Paper
» Design
» Pencil
» Water
» Waste Cloth

Procedure :

  1. Rinse the cloth to remove its starch.

  2. Iron the cloth in order to make it wrinkle free.

  3. Using a white tracing paper, trace the design onto the cloth.

  4.  Fix the frame around the design on the cloth. 

  5. Always paint the complete design with white colour as a base before using other colours, to give a better finish to the design. 

  6. Now choose your colours and paint the design. Always paint the lighter shades first then the darker ones.

  7. Let it dry for 24hrs.

  8. For the painting to last longer, iron the back side of the design. The ironing should be done only after 24 hrs.

Giving a White base

Here we have painted on a white cloth and used the colours white (For Base), orange, green and yellow.  After painting the white base, start painting with other colours while it is still wet.  If the base is completely dry wet the design slightly with a brush dipped in water. Mix orange paint and white paint together to get a Light orange shade for the petals. 

Brushes are available in different numbers depending on the thickness of the bristles. You can use thin brushes in narrow spaces and thicker brushes on broader areas at your discretion.

Ordinary fabric paints can be mixed with water but metallic fabric colours have to be mixed with a medium. Medium can be bought from shops. The consistency of the mixed paints should not be too watery.


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Saranya, Trichy
July 24, 2013
Very useful to me.
Madhusmita Das, Khurdaroad
April 13, 2012
Very good instruction has been given by you on fabtic painting.
Taniya Ignatius, India
November 26, 2011
A great thanks 4 carft web india 123. com :) a great thanks :) :)
Sandhya Dinesh, calicut, kerala.
August 6, 2010
a good one .........thank uuuuuu....
Divya.j, Chennai
July 19, 2010
so beautiful so nice.