Sunday, February 2, 2025


Picture Gallery

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loomsa.gif (183626 bytes) matea.gif (138638 bytes)
Frames of different shapes  Materials 
Round Shaped Frame
fstepa.gif (77662 bytes) fstep1a.gif (78541 bytes) fstep2a.gif (121142 bytes)
Round shaped frame- Step 1  Winding the wool in the shape of '8' Winding the inner circle
fstep3a.gif (134062 bytes) flowera.gif (107561 bytes)
Fastening the windings  together  Finished flower pattern
Hexagon Shaped Frame
stepa.gif (153873 bytes) reversea.gif (149051 bytes) step1a.gif (251347 bytes)
Hexagon shaped frame-Step 1 Wrong side of the mat after tying the joints Cutting the two layers except the base
finisha.gif (141349 bytes)
Final Product