
While charging your mobile phone, the long cord of the charger often tends to be a problem if you have a toddler at home. The following step-by-step procedure will show you how to make a phone holder from a Talcum powder container.
Plastic Bottles are lightweight and are easily available in plenty. You can turn these bottles into beautiful artifacts similar to Russian dolls. In fact they make good showpieces at kids parties and can be turned into a good decorative ornament as well.
Here is a fun idea to make a turtle.
Here is another recycled bottle craft for you. This is a simple basket made with old plastic bottle and ribbon.
The lessons of environmental protection and tree conservation should start from home… Here is a simple idea for children to cultivate plants and herbs at home in quite an environment friendly method by reusing old plastic bottles as your plant pots.
Looking for novel ideas to keep plants in your apartment? Using old plastic bottles and CDs you can make beautiful tiny flowerpots.
There are numerous creative ways for re cycling soda bottles. Here we bring you an easy soda bottle bag idea… you can easily make at home.
Bird feeder's are available in the market but most of them are expensive. Here's a demonstration on how to make a bird Feeder from throwaway containers.
Bird feeders are simple devices placed or hung on tree trunks or gardens to feed birds. we'll show you to make one using an empty soda bottle and plastic spoons. With chirping birds around the feeder this simple craft can turn out to be a delight.