Sunday, March 9, 2025
Cities & Towns

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Vizhinjam Harbour and Beach, Thiruvananthapuram Vizhinjam, 17km from Thiruvananthapuram is a fishing village famous for Ayurvedic treatments and its beach resorts. It is a charming sight to see hundreds of fishing boats crowding the Vizhinjam fishing harbour. Another attraction in Vizhinjam is the Rock Cut Cave, a historic spot which was left unnoticed for a long time. The granite cave here encloses a one celled shrine with a loose sculpture of Vinandhara Dakshinamurthi. There are rock cut sculptures of the 18th century in the cave temple.  A half complete relief of Lord Shiva and goddess Parvati are there outside the cave. Closed on Mondays.

There is also Marine Aquarium in Vizinjam which houses colourful and attractive fishes like Clownfish, moon wrasse, squirrelfish, lionfish, butterfly fish, giant turtles, triggerfish etc and aggressive ones like surgeonfish, deadly piranhas, sharks etc. The aquarium has also a unique display of pearl images of Christ, Virgin Mary, Hindu Gods and Goddesses and other images.
Open 0900 - 2000 hrs. 
Fees adult 6/- and children 4/- 
Phone: 0471-2480224

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