Friday, February 21, 2025
Cities & Towns

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Rajkot City Facts


Rajkot is located on the banks of the Aji river in the west Indian state of Gujarat. Founded by Vibhoji AjojiJadeja in 1612, it was once the capital of the princely state of Saurashtra and the seat of the erstwhile Jadeja clan. The city has a rich cultural history and is also associated with India's freedom struggle. It is the place where Mahatma Gandhi spent the early years of his life. The city was a former British government headquarters and still has a number of massive structures and educational institutions which remind one of the city's colonial past. It is famous for silver, textiles and furniture, Bandhani sarees, bead work,patch work, silk embroidery, jewellery and a National weaving institute which promotes traditional weaves. The city is also a religious centre and is a must visit for those interested in colonial history and architecture.


Area : 69Sq.Kms.
Population : 6.51 lakhs
Season : October to March
STD Code : 0281
Rain Fall :500mm
Temperature : Maximum- 43.5oC
Minimum- 24.20oC
Literacy : 74%