Saturday, March 29, 2025


Bihar wasArcheological site the region where Buddhism evolved and finds mention in the Vedas, Puranas, Epics etc. This was one of the most remarkable aspect that makes it an important region that added to the diverse cultures of the Indian Union. Human settlement in this region dates back to the prehistoric period and they led a nomadic life. Bihar forms a part of the Gangetic plain which was inhabited by people of different races. Great rulers of the state before the Christian era were Bimbisara, Udayin who founded the city of Pataliputra. The famous Mauryan emperors along with the Guptas who under Ashoka had their capital at Patiliputra. Smaller dynasties like that of the Sungas, Kanva and the Kushanas influenced the regions of Bihar. During the Medieval period Bihar witnessed the Muslim invasion which was followed by the rule of local Rajput clans. The first Muslim conqueror was Mohammad Bin Bakhtiar Khalji. The Tughluqs and then the Mughals followed the Khalijis.

The Mughals established a prosperous atmosphere in Bihar. With the downfall of the Mughals, the Nawabs from Bengal exercised their rule. The East India Company established its sway over Bihar after the Battle of Buxar in 1764.  The different British attitudes and practices towards the people led to migration to lands like Africa, South East Asia etc. Under the British, Bihar was first a part of Bengal Presidency. In 1911, the two states of Orissa and Bihar were separated from Bengal. In 1936,they became separate provinces. 

A part of Bihar comprising mainly forest tracks of Chhotanagpur plateau and Santhal paragana, the homeland of the tribals became a separate state Jharkhand on November 15th, 2000.