
Life Path Number/Birth path Number - 1
People who comes under this path are born leaders. They are extremely determined and self motivated and will clear all obstacles to reach their goals. Due to the urge to attain the goals these people can easily get irritated if everything doesn't go well. Self employment is best suited for these people due to the above characteristics.
People with life path 1 are usually creative and inventive and are out of the box thinkers. The negative side of Life path 1 is that, due to the urge to attain everything they want they become egoistic, arrogant and selfish.
Life Path Number/Birth path Number - 2
People belonging to Life Path 2 are natural peacemakers. They are honest, open hearted and always see the positive side of others and also a caring personality. Due to these qualities you can expect a good friend or lover from these people. These people can be good mediators due to their soft spokenness. Hence hospitality and customer care are good career options for these people.
The negative side is that their over sensitivity may create problems for these people. Being peace lovers, at times they tend to hold back their opinions and hence can't express what they have in mind. This may lead to hatred or anger. Hence they can't be a good associate.
Life Path Number/Birth path Number - 3
People belonging to Life Path 3 are creative and optimistic souls. Due to optimism they find positiveness in everything around them. They are not worried about the future and live for the present, since they believe that positive ness will lead everything in the right path. These people are great listeners and can make others comfortable. Hence Life Path 3 people will have a large number of friends and admirers.
The Negative side is that due to over optimism, these people lack direction in life. Financial position is not so good since these people are not organized and hence they take responsibilities lightly. Becomes reserved and moody when emotionally hurt.
Life Path Number/Birth path Number - 4
People belonging to Life path 4 are very difficult to understand, but are humble, practical and hard working. They do not like to take short cuts to reach goals. These people like the company of similar people. Life path 4 people are very systematic and have good organizing capacities. These people are very honest and value honesty in others also. Loyal and dependable, hence an excellent friend or partner, but they may have just a small circle of friends. They can be good managers and leaders.
The negative side is that they make others irritated since they are stubborn, rigid or too serious. Since it is very difficult for them to deviate from the present plans, chances of missing opportunities are there as the reaction time may be more. Because these people let their true feelings know to all those around, they can sometimes turn people away from them.
Life Path Number/Birth path Number - 5
People belonging to Life Path 5 are adventure seekers constantly seeking change and variety in life. They love meeting new people, change and to conquer new frontiers. A versatile personality, these people make friends easily. They are good in the entertainment industry. They need discipline, and also needs to practice tolerance and understanding to be happy and fulfilled.
The negative side is that they are easily bored and need variety.
Life Path Number/Birth path Number - 6
People belonging to Life Path 6 are loving, caring and charming. Their life revolves around home. This makes them excellent parents. They always try to make people happy. Their expressions are balanced and they like to provide services to others especially family and friends. These people can be good at charity and social work. They are very open minded people also.
The negative side is that they are very home sick. Due to their humanitarian tendency, these people become slaves to others and neglect their own needs in the process. At times these people find it difficult to get a balance between helping others and caring for self.
Life Path Number/Birth path Number - 7
People belonging to Life Path 7 are wise, studious, thinkers and perfectionists. These people like to seek truth and wisdom in all that they do, and search for the underlying answers in everything. They are loners and love peaceful living. Since 7 is a spiritual number, these people are drawn to spiritual life and could devote themselves completely to spirituality. Good career choice for a 7 is to become a scientist, researcher or inventor.
Negative side is that due to perfectionism, others may see you as an eccentric. The love towards loneness makes it difficult for these people to be do good companions and to make close relationships.
Life Path Number/Birth path Number - 8
People belonging to Life Path 8 are born natural leaders. They are ambitious and goal oriented and have strong organizational skills and broad vision which make them successful in business. These people thrive on hard work, and more than any other Life Path number are prone to becoming a workaholic. They are good with money and will acquire wealth.
Because of the good judgment of character, these people can be excellent as an executive, business man or a politician. They should pay special attention to telling and showing their loved ones that they care - being a good provider isn't the only way of doing this.
The negative side of Life path 8, is that the pursuit of materialistic gains will create a tendency to become unscrupulous in their efforts to make money. Often this will lead to neglect of family and loved ones. Because they consider status very important these people may be tempted to live above their means.
Life Path Number/Birth path Number - 9
People belonging to Life Path 9 are humanitarians with compassion and generosity. These people are selfless with good helping mentality. They care more for people less fortunate than themselves and help them with money, time and energy. A better world, will be the dream of the Life path 9 people.
Due to their artistic flair, Life 9 people can excel in arts. They are multi-talented and hence can be good a teacher or a minister. Because they are so giving their finances may not be in the greatest shape.
These people may also have a tendency to be scattered - your talents lie in so many different directions that you may find it difficult to focus on just one.