Monday, March 10, 2025
Andhra Pradesh

Fairs and Festivals



It is the Telugu New Year day celebrated on Chaitra Suddha Padyami, the first day of the bright fortnight in the month of Chaitra. This festival is known as Gudi Padwa in Maharashtra and Ugadi in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. It is a day of great joy and happiness. 

There is a strong belief that this day's happenings fore shadow the course of events in the entire year head.  Everybody in the house gets up early in the morning takes an oil bath and puts on new clothes.  Torana, ( festoons of mango leaves), are tied to all the doors of the house  The front yards are washed with cow dung water and decorated with different designs. Bhakshya otherwise known as Purampoli, is the special sweet cooked on this day.  A special preparation called ugadi pachadi (chutney) is a must in very house.  Fresh tamarind with fresh water, jaggery, fresh mangoes and fresh margosa flowers form the ingredients of Ugadi Pachadi.  They are mixed in a new decorated earthen pot and then kept before the presiding deity of the house hold.  After puja, everybody partakes of the Ugadi Pachadi and only then goes for meals in the company of all.  The significance of this Pachadi is, the mixture of bitter margosa flowers and sweet jaggery is that life also is a mixture of sorrow and joy.  Men and women take part in sports and games, cock-fights and competitions, girls and boys find delight in having informal singing  competitions.

In the evening people gather in temples or in common places.  The village purohit worships the new panchangam or almanac.  Then he announces the influence of various planets during the new year over the wind, rains and crops, cattle, wealth and human beings.  Every body is eager to know his own future for the year according to his rashi.  In towns and cities poet's gatherings and musical concerts are held.