Tuesday, March 4, 2025



The chief occupation of the population in the state is agriculture. The main activity of more than three-fourths of the workers is agriculture. About 24.3% area is available for agriculture use. The principal crops are paddy, wheat, jute, sugar cane, potato, turmeric, coconut and oil seeds. Agriculture is being practiced in about 2.5 lakh hectares.

Stress on agricultural development during the last decades was given for the increase in production of food grains. By providing essential inputs in the form of improved seeds, fertilizers, plant protection chemicals and by increasing substantially the area of cultivation under HYV programme, it has been possible for the state to raise production of food grains.

Significant steps have been taken to bring larger and larger areas under the plant protection scheme. It is irrigation, the one input which can do a lot for diversification, multiple cropping and increasing yield of crops. But the progress on this front has not been satisfactory. Another important input is seed. Initially the state government faced considerable difficulties in bringing seed from outside the state due to high cost. But now, large-sized seed multiplication firms have been set up. Besides, a seed bank is operating. Large scale demonstration programmes are taken up covering all the branches with a view to transmitting scientific and progressive technology in the field of agriculture.

Promotion of soil and economic equality is a pre-condition for attaining substantial long-term increase in production. Measures to reduce inequalities should succeed in eliminating deterrents to work and aggregate labour utilization. But, the success mainly depends on the political climate.

The major thrust in land reforms is centred round the protection of interest of the tribals on land and restoration of alienated land to them. In September 1989 Tripura legislative Assembly passed a Bill relating to land revenue and land reforms, the important-provision of which are as follows.

  1. No land belonging to tribals can be sold to a non-tribal. Even a decree by a court of law will not entitle a non-tribal to take possession of tribal land.

  2. Land sold or transferred from a tribal to a non-tribal on or after 1st Jan 1969 will not be considered valid.

  3. No court of law will be able to pass a decree transferring the title of a tribal land to a non-tribal.