Wednesday, March 12, 2025


Animal Husbandry

Cattle, buffaloes, yak, sheep, goats, pigs, mules and  ponies are the important  domestic animals of Sikkim. Poultry birds are also domesticated in different parts of the state. Buffaloes and cattle are mainly limited to the tropical humid belt and temperate zone. In the higher cold areas, Yak is the important animal. Government of Sikkim has established a separate department  of animal  husbandry. During the first three plans the animal husbandry department formulated a scheme to meet the increasing demand for meat and dairy products, poultry  birds and eggs. Veterinary health services were made available in villages and like farmers, those interested in animal breeding and poultry farming were trained at different stations in India. Exotic breeds of sheep that thrive well under the vagaries of climatic conditions prevailing in Sikkim were introduced in the state.