Monday, March 3, 2025


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Jatkarama (Birth) Ceremony

When a child is born, the birth ceremony is performed by feeding the baby with a spoonful of honey mixed with ghee. If the child is male, an elderly woman of the family beats a copper thali to announce the birth.

People who possess guns, fire several shots to mark the birth of the male child. The entire locality comes to congratulate the family. The family priest is invited to note down the time and date of birth of the boy so that his horoscope can be prepared. Sweets are sent to friends and relatives and night-long music sessions are held to celebrate the occasion. 

The birth of a female child has never been welcomed in Rajasthan. The birth of a daughter is greeted with sorrow and grief. The mother sobs and cries in the arms of their husband and prays for another child. No songs, no sweets and no ceremonies not even a letter to relatives to inform them of the daughter's arrival.

 In royal families, the birth of son was a historic event. Some Maharajas used to feast the entire population of their capital town. The Maharajas of Jaipur would invite the whole of Jaipur and feasting continued for days, until every citizen was fed. On the birth anniversaries of the Maharajas, sweets were distributed throughout the state to all school children.